Leica BLK360成像激光扫描仪


Leica Geosystems与Autodesk合作,融合了现实捕获的未来。亚博ag真人规律塑造现实捕获代表亚博ag真人规律了将最先进的技术与一流的设计相结合,以对建筑,工程和建筑市场中的每个人进行民主化3D激光扫描。这Leica BLK360,与Autodesk的Recap 360 Pro一起,每个人都可以在日常工作中合并高分辨率360°图像和3D激光扫描数据。

Since its announcement, the Leica BLK360 has received the 2017 Geospatial World Innovation Award, the 2017 PRISM Award for Photonics Innovation, the CES Innovation Award and the IF Award for its ground-breaking technology.

This revolutionary miniaturised 3D imaging laser scanner has also received the ovation from people around the world in social media. “Game changer”, “disruptive”, “speechless”, “tiny” and “simplified workflow” were some of the words used to describe the Leica BLK360.


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Simplistic yet Sophisticated

Leica BLK360是世界上最小,最轻的成像激光扫描仪。
Leica BLK360是世界上最小,最轻的成像激光扫描仪。