
Find out what you need to consider when purchasing a total station.

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Lowest TCO: Get the best value for your money

The decision of investing in a new total station implicates finding the most appropriate time frame to do so and knowing your future instrument’s Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). The TCO of a total station combines the purchasing price, the operational costs, support and service, as well as the lifetime of the instrument. When making a decision, it is crucial to look beyond the instrument’s price and focus on the long-term perspective of your purchase.


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Discover the new Leica FlexLine Series

新一代手动总站:Leica Flexline TS03,T亚博5分钟快三S07和TS10

新一代手动总站:Leica Flexline TS03,T亚博5分钟快三S07和TS10

康托蒂·利卡(Contatti Leica Geosystems)

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