Leica iCON iRP3 – Piler Solution



Leica IRP3是一种灵活而快速的3D机器控制解决方案,可以精确,安全地指导操作员在建筑项目中堆积所需的确切位置。IRP3连接到建筑项目上的所有其他操作,从而实现了无缝集成和数据工作流程。

One solution, complete control

Leica GeoSystems的多合一机器控制平台现在包括图标钻机解决方案。IRP3支持IREDES,KOF和LANDXML文件格式,并与图标投资组合(如Leica Conx)无缝集成,用于项目数据共享,项目进度监控和构建的文档。


The iRP3 guides operators to precisely navigate and position piles, avoiding rework and human errors by visualising project progress on an intuitive user interface. 3D colour-coded piles can be shared in the project for project monitoring and the assistive user interface with adaptive bullseye zoom, and intuitive menu and navigation system assist the operator to work faster and more accurately.


IRP3提供多种配置,以最大程度地灵活。天线可以安装在塔中或机器上,以最大程度的准确性和速度。现在,运营商可以在任何受GNSS贬低的地区(例如城市)进行工作,并具有双车站位置。Leica IRP3可以与制造商自己的传感器配置并与制造商自己的流程数据记录系统进行集成,这意味着可以直接向制造商自己的AS构建报告系统导出了所构建的信息。


With the digital solution of iRP3, pile patterns are no longer staked out manually, which increases accuracy and safety. Job site safety is improved because less workers are present around the machine, and the operator can work without leaving the machine's cabin. iRP3 also ensures higher safety when working on the water.



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在此处查看从Leica Geosystems的机器控制的方法。

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