3D or nothing

Case study

Author:Daniel Milam,电力杆

3D or stringless control systems for concrete slipforming equipment are becoming more popular by the season. Labor shortages, competitive bidding, and scheduling flexibility are some of the most common reasons companies choose to go stringless.

W. Gardner,LLC总裁兼3D Concrete Solutions的执行合伙人Elliot Jones具有不同的视角,“我将其视为训练轮。这使我们陷入困境。我的控制能力好多了。”

杰克逊维尔,佛罗里达州建筑市场有机会,琼斯通过建立一家混凝土公司3D混凝土解决方案利用了优势。他的土方工程公司W. Gardner,LLC与当地混凝土承包商无用的时间遇到​​了困难,这揭示了市场上的差距。

Diverging from his earthmoving business was a big move for Jones since he had no prior hand forming or slipforming experience. From the beginning, Jones wanted the concrete company to be different by being the first in the region running a stringless slipform machine.

A new level of responsiveness, simplicity and precision

Jones worked with machine control on earthmoving equipment for the past ten years and had seen operators successfully trained on dozers or motor graders using 3D systems. He was confident that a slipform operator could be trained similarly and felt good about plunging into stringless slipforming, describing it as a “no-brainer”.

W. Gardner,LLC项目管理副总裁Jones和Rusty Grimes访问了Power Curbers制造工厂,以了解有关Slipform机器的更多信息。琼斯透露,“这次访问索尔兹伯里的电力库司机达成了交易”. Grimes agreed,“我将强烈建议任何人感兴趣in even looking to purchase a slipform machine take a tour of Power Curbers’ plant because that was impressive.”

补充他们的新5700-D concrete slipform machine,3D混凝土解决方案的团队选择了Leica图标机控制系统for 3D concrete paving because of the precision it delivers on W. Gardner, LLC’s owned earthmoving equipment.


One of the primary reasons Jones insisted upon starting with 3D controls was avoiding stringline limitations. He stated,“您至少要在一份小工作中节省一天,为期半天半,要分解或从2天或更长时间开始,以便更大的工作。您只有这么多线性脚的销钉,而您必须越过它们。那是你的瓶颈。”


grimes被执行,“it saves costs with the survey and guys putting out stringline and pins. We can roll in there, localize everything in an hour or two, and we are off and running. We’ve done as much as 4,000 linear feet or more, and that’s only because we ran out of mud.”莱卡3D机器控制系统不仅是用于铺路的时间和节省时间,而且它们的质量非常出色。他们已经验证了垂直公差至0.02。

Easy to use and easy to adopt 3D machine control solution to your curb machine

琼斯报告了这一点“it’s better than stringline. The stringline gets manipulated by people on the job site. There is room for human error. If you follow the model, it is perfectly to the engineer’s plan.”

在与机器安顿下来后,琼斯表示,带有Leica GeoSystem的机器控制解决方案的5700-D混凝土滑动机已有“很好,我们喜欢它。野外的家伙喜欢它。它效果很好。”Grimes observed that their slipform crew“adapted to stringless controls really well, they jumped right in and have embraced it.”

Hubungi Leica Geosystems

Temukan kontak Leica Geosystems Anda untuk kebutuhan penjualan, dukungan dan layanan teknis.
Temukan kontak Leica Geosystems Anda untuk kebutuhan penjualan, dukungan dan layanan teknis.

Environmental, social and governance impact: Less waste, more safety, lower emissions

For concrete paving projects, machine control solutions increase productivity, improve site safety and overall shorten the timeline that’s necessary to complete the work. More efficient processes and shorter overall project times reduce the number of machines on-site and lower emissions. Stringless solutions improve accuracy and efficiency by paving to a 3D model instead of relying on the string line which is prone to human error. Doing away with the string line improves jobsite safety because you require less people onsite. It allows you to optimise trucking logistics thus lowering emissions. Because Hexagon’s Geosystems division offers remote training, support and maintenance, it opens up opportunities in remote areas with fewer jobs.

iCON pave with 1UP configuration for curb and gutter

Learn how the system automatically monitors the current position of the machine and the mould against the reference model and sends correction signals to the machine controller with millimetre accuracy.

Learn how the system automatically monitors the current position of the machine and the mould against the reference model and sends correction signals to the machine controller with millimetre accuracy.


Learn more about 3D machine control solutions for concrete paving.
Learn more about 3D machine control solutions for concrete paving.