

在当今充满挑战的环境中,激光扫描仪可以加快工作流程,从而赋予专业人士的能力,以提高生产率和效率。这Leica RTC3603D激光扫描仪是一种紧凑的现场对办公室解决方案,填补了Leica BLK360成像激光扫描仪and theLeica ScanStation P-Series陆地激光扫描仪。

“At Leica Geosystems we have the ambition to build the best sensors in the world. When we designed the RTC360, we wanted to create something outstanding and unique,”said Juergen Mayer, president of Reality Capture Division at Leica Geosystems.

从测量专业人员,希望快速扫描高性能,到公共安全机构,旨在使用带有实用后处理软件的便携式设备 - RTC360是解决方案。

Capturing up to 2 million points per second

这RTC360 3D laser scanner is developed to be fast, agile and precise. The fast and precise aspects refer to the unique capturing performance, such as 2 million points per second measurement rate and full High-Dynamic-Range (HDR) panoramic images in less than 2 minutes. Agile refers to its portability and automated targetless field pre-registration based on the special Visual Internal System (VIS) technology.

“ RTC360是作为整个系统的一部分开发的,而不是独立的扫描仪。它与现场和办公软件一起开发,具有真正独特的技术,称为“视觉内部系统”(VIS),可以在注册中自动化大多数工作流程,”梅耶说。

VIS technology was developed by Leica Geosystems experts to decrease the time spent on stitching together the individual point clouds into one complete point cloud. The system is based on five cameras built in to the RTC360 to track the environment. These cameras pick up on environmental features and use them as reference points to connect individual scans. When moving from one place to another, even between floors, the RTC360 knows the relative position between any two scans and automatically registers the different point clouds into one complete point cloud thanks to VIS.

“My first impression of the RTC360 is that the scanner is really amazing, because with the five additional cameras for the Visual Inertial System, the scanner has an additional sense to orientate itself,”德国Leica Geosystems的区域销售经理Markus Ziereis说。



这RTC360 laser scanner is one component of an end-to-end system. The complete 3D reality capture solution consists of:

在使用RTC360进行扫描时,用户可以操作扫描仪并在现场点云预注册之前直接通过Cyclone Field 360移动设备应用程序直接从任何iOS或Android设备进行操作。借助其直观的用户界面和即时数据可视化,Cyclone Field 360应用程序允许用户直接在现场中质量控制其扫描。一旦检查所有扫描并通过Cyclone Field 360进行了检查并注册,它将同步回到RTC360 3D激光扫描仪,该扫描仪记录了USB棒上的数据并将其插入计算机后,后处理可以从Cyclone寄存器360 POST开始- 处理办公软件。

Cyclone寄存器360是任何技能水平用户的创新,并充分利用RTC360的创新,以大大减少用户的办公室工作量。Cyclone寄存器360在导入之前提供了一个点云预览,并利用RTC360的双扫描选项自动滤除通常在繁忙位置中产生的所有可能噪声。在Cyclone寄存器360中,用户可以对其预注册进行微调,并准备其数据以在Leica Geosystems的Truview和CloudWorx产品中使用。亚搏彩票手机版下载


  • 建筑建筑
  • Plant management
  • 法医学

“ RTC360 3D现实捕获亚博ag真人规律解决方案将对客户带来巨大的好处,因为它将加快其工作流程,”SCCS Survey UK的HDS经理Phil Marsh说。


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Leica RTC3603D Reality Capture Solution – Behind the Scenes

