
Case Study

Author: Karina Lumholt

在德国西南部的亚伦小村庄,棕榈纸工厂Gmbh正在在沙质地面上建造一家新的纸厂。该项目将于2022年完成,并将在一个大型建筑综合体中包含重纸机。因此,foundation must be stabilised with concrete piles cast in the underground

奥地利建筑公司Hilti&Jehleis contracted for the piling work, which will take approximately six months. Hilti&Jehle,自2013年以来使用机器控制,,,,is using the Liebherr LRB355 machine, a versatile machineweighing 105 tonnesandreaching up to 33,5 metres。This powerful machine配备了新的Leica iCON iRP3机器控制解决方案for drillers and pilers from Leica Geosystems.

We drill the outer casing into the ground. The auger in the middle removes the soil, then concrete, reinforced with iron casing is poured into the hole,” Hilti&Jehle项目经理MarkusMähr解释说。

job is also done a lot faster,,,,thanks to theIRP3的自动导航功能。Markus Mähr estimates they are每天能够堆40桩,而没有机器控制的30个桩

像这样的宽松土壤上使用数字图案的好处之一是,传统的喷雾标记在下雨时很容易丢失,当机器在现场工作时。当然,数字模式不是这种情况,,,,” says Mähr.


A Liebherr LRB355 piler rig equipped with machine control from Leica Geosystems

AALEN中的机器是与Liebherr自己的传感器配置集成的Leica Geosystems的机器控制解决方案的示例。这是一个'Leica-ready’delivery, where the machine is delivered with all cables from the Liebherr factory and with Liebherr’s own sensors.

让机器交付的“借用利卡就绪”的优点是,我们可以安装机器控制解决方案,然后在两个小时内完成完全操作的机器,Leica Geosystems的技术支持Reto Bardill解释说。

Leica GeoSystems机器控制解决方案与Liebherr Piler机器之间的集成更加进一步。这Liep3接口直接与Liebherr的流程数据记录系统,,,,PDE, which means the as-built information is directly exported to Liebherr’s own data recording and as-built reporting system.


使用Leica MC1探索新的可能性

Piles stabilising the soft ground for the building of a new factory.

这new software,Leica MC1,,,,为PILER钻机运营商提供更直观和图形的用户界面。这run screen can be set up for气缸视图因此,操作员有一个overview over the ready piles and the remaining ones

As part of the complete solution delivered by Leica Geosystems, Leica MC1 now supportsthe cloud-based collaboration工具,Leica ConX,允许用户share, visualise and report data in real-time。Hilti&Jehle使用CONX进行模型转移以及偏僻的沟通。巴迪尔(Bardill)从他在瑞士的办公室登录Conx,到德国机器上的小组,进行远程培训,故障排除和通信。

这new machine control solution for rigs offers new features, supports the IREDES, KOF and LandXLM file formats with the new, user-friendly 3D interface in Leica ConX,” Leica Geosystems Rig Solutions产品经理Petter Heyerdahl解释说。

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