Leica Geosystems宣布网络研讨会不间断3D铁路捕获


Leica Geosystemswill host a网络研讨会12月6日,上午10点,CET讨论了针对铁路清关,轨道测量,铁路头磨损,capenary位置,平台测量和平台坡度测量的完整的3D捕获的新进展。

"In the challenging and ever growing rail and metro environments, it is crucial to reduce the time surveying personnel spends on the tracks at high risk. It is also important to minimise train outages whilst collecting synchronised engineering and survey-grade 3D point clouds for accurate as-built drawings.” said Stuart Woods, Leica Geosystems Geospatial Solutions Division vice-president and webinar instructor. “In this webinar, you will learn how the SiTrack:One enables you to collect the data quicker, cutting down your time spent in the field and how the accompanying SiRail Software Suite offers a complete and fully automated workflow to ensure highly accurate data processing, analysis and management."

Leica SiTrack:One使您能够快速,连续的数据捕获,使您更快地离开轨道。通过两种复杂的激光距离测量仪器(DMI)和一个惯性测量单元(IMU)轻松,准确地捕获完整的轨道环境,即使无需访问GNSS,它们即使无法访问GNSS,并与Leica ScanStation P40结婚,以最高点云密度。

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