Transforming reality into photorealistic Virtual Reality with laser scanning

Case study

Author:Reka Vasszi

而虚拟现实(VR)是相关的with video games, it is shaping many industries by opening a vast array of new possibilities to sell products, experience places or train employees. VR has multiple applications based on the ability to immerse users in a safe virtual world and fully experience a different environment by involving most senses.

虚拟现实有限公司中的现实。(RiVR), a developer of VR experiences in England, is enhancing the way humans learn by offering immersive training and educational programmes for all industries. VR-based training programmes can immerse users in realistic situations, such as crime or fire scenes, that cannot be reproduced easily in real life.

RIVR提供的沉浸式体验非常适合在公共安全领域的应用,在该公共安全领域,VR为学生提供了一种从培训室的安全中获得危险或威胁生命的环境的宝贵经验的方法。英国的消防与救援服务部和科学技术实验室都要求RIVR基于现实世界中的事件,为消防和犯罪现场的场景进行过度现实的娱乐活动,以为受训者制定虚拟培训计划。培训的目标是为学生在压力很大的情况下做好适当的行为和行动做好准备。A Virtual Reality Monitor (VRM) developed by RiVR allows the trainers to observe how the candidates interact with the scene and gives a comprehensive overview of the training session.

Using theLeica RTC360激光扫描仪,结合摄影测量法,RIVR能够发展类似生活的虚拟环境where the未来的消防和警察可以训练

Virtual firefighters and detectives

Pioneering with its first product, RiVR Investigate, the company is complementing real-world training of firefighters, police officers and crime scene investigators with an immersive photorealistic VR experience. RiVR Investigate allows the new recruits to gain exposure in a controlled and consistent way. Exposing trainees to a real fire and dangerous situations for the first time might result in stress and fear for the job. VR technology also allows police officers and investigators to undertake a range of simulations andrecreate any murder scene that would not be possible otherwise


But,这些现实生活中的情况如何转化为虚拟模拟?RIVR与Leica Geosystems合作,并使用Leica RTC360生产high-resolution topology of large scenes。Thehighly-portable and automatedRTC360 empowered the team todocument and capture the crime scenesand the burnt-out buildings fast and to the finest detail.

“We use the RTC360 when we scan large environments that don't lend themselves to photogrammetry. Then onto the scans, we overlay high-resolution imagery to produce millimetre accurate photo-realistic environments of any size. We also find the RTC360 very useful in environments that are very hard to do a photogrammetry scan, such as a mainly white lab, which doesn’t have much randomness [points of reference] to it,”RIVR创意总监Alex Harvey解释说。


Experiencing new challenging environments for the first time, such as a murder scene or a fire, provides valuable context and位置意识of situations for the candidates, otherwise difficult to replicate without significant costs. With the ability tomirror with millimetre precisionreal world through laser scanning, professionals can创造引人入胜的现实经验for multiple applications, including photorealistic VR training for public safety.

In a BBC Click episode featuring VR applications, Paul Speight, watch manager at Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service, states students trained in a VR environment are more engaged. According to a recent report by the National Training Laboratory in the United States, retention rate of learning using VR scored75 per cent。相反,其他讲座式方法为5%。

VR created with laser scanning and photogrammetry can place users in any number of different places, situations or environments, and can be deployed to teach awareness, build skills, and provide valuable experience to those who risk their lives to help others.

本文首先出现在2019年5月的一期xyHt magazine


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