Designing a dam monitoring system


Designing a dam monitoring system



About 160 kilometres away, the Pardee and Camanche reservoirs also filled from the 2017 storms, reaching 103 per cent of capacity in March, but the dams were not overtopped, and releases were sustainable within the waterways.

Thanks to the installation of one of the nation’s most advanced automated GNSS-based dam monitoring systems at these two facilities, along with other instrumentation improvements, East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) had the technology in place tomonitor crest elevations at these dams and dikes remotely随着时间分辨率的改善。在基础架构所有者的工具腰带中,拥有此类数据是一种用于监视关键设施的状况和性能的工具。




  • 31 Leica GMX901+ GPS传感器
  • Four Leica GM10 GNSS reference stations
  • 由900 MHz网状收音机组成的无线电网络
  • 4 GHz中继器和两个无线电塔
  • Leica GNSS蜘蛛和Geomos软件解决方案。

Sensemetrics总裁Cory Baldwin表示,地理系统接收器的使用很重要:The GMX901+s are purpose-built for remote monitoring applications, with non-exposed, built-in antennas,“ 他说。“它们是我在这里的首选,因为其他供应商实际上没有一个很好的选择来监视这种环境。透明

GNSS参考站接收器中有三个是太阳能动力的,一个由120V AC进料提供动力。所有这些都牢固地固定在安装在混凝土基座上的Leica AR20天线附近的内部围墙内。The network is largely autonomous, needing only occasional attention。数据流通过900 MHz和2.4 GHz扩展光谱传播到现有的微波遥测链接到其Oakland总部的EBMUD的业务Intranet,在该链接中,服务器在该服务器上运行了处理GNSS数据和结果所需的Spider和Geomos软件。然后通过Sensemetrics自定义的软件来显示结果。

GMX901+传感器中有五个以及四个地震仪安装在通过光纤电缆连接到微波业务Intranet的pardee坝上。这些仪器不断监视大坝的移动并远程报告。Two of the GM10 reference stations were installed near and on either side of Pardee Dam and are connected to the fiberoptic line by 2.4 GHz radio connections.

Camanche Reservoir地点从Pardee大坝下游,由一个充满土壤的大水坝和六个堤防组成。Camanche水库主要用于控制下游机构的释放,并维持鲑鱼的流量。储层周围安装了26个GMX901+传感器,这些传感器还连续监视和报告。



The State of California Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD) requires semi-annual monitoring surveys. The new system provides准确的信息更快,,,,减少员工在监视上花费的时间,并且有能力与全州紧急和地震监测系统有关当他们出现时。经过将近两年的服务后,DSOD监视要求得到了更完整的整体性能。

“ Ebmud的基础设施分布在广阔的地区,覆盖了多个县。”says Baldwin.“尤其是,帕迪和卡曼奇站点距离主要办公室几个小时了,半年度调查(先前进行)花了一周多的时间才能完成。这个新系统或多或少地提供了更准确的数据,当然,还可以减少工作人员在此任务上的时间。这是一个很大的进步,它的表现超出了预期。”

Baldwin says one important design goal was interconnectivity with existing and future monitoring systems. The potential to自动化并改善对地震事件的紧急响应is a major advantage of monitoring networks.

Ebmud现在有立即更多调查信息在其指尖对结构性能than at any previous moment in the district’s history. By being proactive and automating monitoring systems, EBMUD has greatly improved dam safety monitoring.

“ Pardee Dam的GPS系统现在为我们提供了由于混凝土结构的热膨胀和收缩而导致的季节变形的完整图片,”EBMUD调查主管Steven J. Martin说。“借助GPS监控系统的Camanche水库部分,我们能够满足DSOD监视要求,而无需长时间的调查人员出门,并在接近实时远程检查任何可能的变形。”



A recent example of the benefits of automating a survey monitoring scheme comes from another EBMUD automated dam monitoring project on San Pablo Dam in California, USA. In 2008 and 2009, the dam underwent a seismic improvement to buttress the toe of the dam to bedrock using a cement deep soil mixing process. Increased monitoring requirements from the DSOD, while working on an active dam, were met via an Automated Motorised Total Station System (AMTS), which has been running several times a day since that project was completed in 2009. EBMUD also has a program to visually inspect dams and reservoirs immediately after an earthquake to check for cracking or other visible damage as a quick ground truth.

在2018年1月在以伯克利为中心的海沃德故障上发生了4.4级地震后,距离圣巴勃罗大坝站点不到8公里,EBMUD GEOTECHNICAL ENGINERSERS能够登录到AMTS自动化监控系统到审查大坝上是否有任何实际动作或跌倒,,,,and they confirmed that there was no significant movement. This ability to have information immediately and at their fingertips has proven to be a huge asset in managing dam safety at EBMUD.

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