Transforming Ayacucho into a digital city

Case Study


Author:Renata BarradasGutiérrez

数字城市倡议旨在收集有价值的数据并在城市环境中捕获所有环境,以生成智能模型,支持决策过程并促进新的城市服务的交付。由Hexagon GeoSystems的亚博ag真人规律部门提供的移动映射,现实捕获,机载和资产管理解决方案用于全球城市,有助于数字化城市中心。亚搏苹果app

Aware that 3D models help to inform the perception on reality and provide a georeferenced digital base for operations in a city, Patronato Pikimachay, a non-profit organisation, approached C95 Creative, a leading global architecture and design firm, to create a smart digital city model of Ayacucho, Peru.

Ayacucho’s smart digital city project

Ayacucho’s smart digital city project

C95 Creative specialists started the 3D digital modelling of this Peruvian city in 2017. To undertake a precise digital survey that would be the basis for a digital city model, the project collected georeferenced point clouds with images from 150 blocks in Ayacucho’s historic centre. Using a combination of Geosystems solutions, data from a50-kilometre trajectory was collected in three daysand the entire project deliverables were completed in six months.

“A valuable data base for smart cities is essential during the decision making of future urban interventions. We have been able to generate data bases of great value for cultural heritage, cataloguing, restoration and refurbishment works. We will keep exploring and looking for new ways of applying this technology in our sector with Leica Geosystems,"C95 Creative的Smart City Ayacucho项目的建筑师兼总监Irene Ibisate说。

Beyond the speed of obtaining and processing data, the quality and precision of the point cloud with overlaid images allowed C95 Creative to:

  • Create a 3D model of the entire city centre
  • Complete a catalogue of the main city elements
  • 对当前状况和保护状态进行研究
  • Do a cultural heritage value and conservation study
  • 生产updated 3D cadastre and geometric data base of the city with real dimensions
  • Generate videos and images of the city to serve as reference for future intervention works.

"To create in BIM [Building Information Modelling] a reproduction of an entire city in a few months was a great challenge. Thanks to the precision and speed obtained with Leica Geosystems products, we have been able to capture reality with complete data in a short amount of time,"said Ibisate.




为了捕获Ayacucho的整个中心,C95 Creative用Leica Pegasus:两个开始了数据收集。使用此移动映射传感器平台,从三天内收集了50公里轨迹的数据。激光扫描是通过Leica ScanStation P40进行的,以提高行人区域和正方形的细节水平,并具有文化遗产资产。

“It would be impossible to do this type of project with traditional solutions and tools. The speed and precision that Leica Geosystems products have allowed us to work remotely with a total knowledge of the site,”said Maria Pascual, BIM director at C95 Creative.

该数据被处理并导出为Imp.pts,以供BIM软件Autodesk Revit。Leica Cyclone 3D Point Cloud Post Procesing软件用于发布点云。为了创建BIM模型,该团队与Leica CloudWorx和Leica Jetstream软件合作,从而使点云更好地建模和包含在Autodesk Revit模型中。

"To establish the point clouds as the database was the only way to pursue a project of this magnitude. To make our BIM model through powerful products like JetStream helped to speed and invigorate this process. Projects end up with an added value due to the quality and precision obtained from these latest tools, which allow to create a large data base available in different formats and platforms,”said Pascual.



城市规划师,建筑公司或政府官员需要对城市具有更具活力的看法,该城市具有地理参与数据,以反映现实以产生任何应用或服务,guide any future interventions.

3D models allow to document, manage, renew or maintain the assets in a city. To meet UNESCO’s standards and have the historic centre of Ayacucho declared as a World Heritage Site, recovery and maintenance works need to be made. A digitalised city model would be the cornerstone to create more sustainable and efficient urban environments critical to social and economic development.

The 3D models delivered by C95 Creative will be the base for any architectural intervention within the area, guiding the cultural heritage evaluations and reconstruction of protected city elements, which could degrade through time.

Beyond the cultural heritage value, the deliverables have also been used for other purposes, such as:

  • Ayacucho的虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)
  • 计划的普遍化
  • 城市模拟
  • 旅游申请
  • Urban improvement analysis



C95 Creative takes design to the smallest detail. One of the international leading firms in the AEC sector knows quality tools matter, so it has been using Leica Geosystems products for a long time.

“与徕卡C95发现呈现实capture solutions, the perfect tools for its BIM work flow. The Pegasus:Two allows to generate data of big areas in a short amount of time. The P40 is used for interior design, rehabilitation, restoration, refurbishment, engineering and architecture for its scan precision and speed. It is used together with the BLK360 to generate data of different landmarks of a site and obtain as-built models. In addition, the point clouds are used for any kind of digital surveys, data collection for simulations, reports, VR and AR,”said Pascual.

To stay relevant, improve processes, keep increasing the quality, and give an added value to all its projects, C95 Creative keeps introducing Geosystems state-of-the-art technologies and processes in its works.

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