Q&A on Leica TS13 Mid-Range Robotic Total Station

Hans-Martin Zogg, Business Director TPS at Leica Geosystems, discusses how the new Leica TS13 supports the industry.

Leica TS13 Expert Insight

Hans-Martin Zogg, Business Director TPS at Leica Geosystems, discusses how the new Leica TS13 supports the industry.

Leica TS13最近被引入市场。您能告诉我们更多有关这个新自动化总站的信息吗?

Leica TS13是Leica Geosystems的新型中端自动化总站。它是可扩展的,为Leica Geosystems的自动化总站提供了一个有吸引力的起点。亚博5分钟快三TS13是为关注公用事业的土木工程行业开发的。对于测量任务,例如确定现有管道的位置,TS13是理想的测量仪器。此外,它允许用户在构建管道安装之前列出管道安装的位置。这个新的自动化总站可以完美地支持公用事业行业,因为它在进行测量和进行布局方面的多功能性。


TS13总站是自动化和升级的。此外,它为用户提供了无与伦比的支持并提供最高质量。它的性能和可靠性使用户可以完成苛刻的测量任务。Leica TS13是可升级的,客户可以仅使用4按钮键盘,然后(如果需要)购买TS13,以升级到带有键盘和显示单元的总站。还可以通过添加锁和机器人选项将其从两人的测量工具升级为单人测量工具。Leica TS13中端总站的设计和测试与与质量标准相同Leica TS16高端总站。


The Leica TS13 has been designed with customers in mind who are looking for high quality and reliability but the best measurement performance is not crucial for their daily tasks. A customer should invest into the TS13 when he looks for lowest total cost of ownership (sum of purchasing price, support and service over lifetime) and having greatest reliability over lifetime of his instrument but measurement performance is not his key requirement.

Typically, total stations are used on a wide variety of sites quite often in extreme conditions. The TS13 total station ensures greatest reliability and durability for any rough job site conditions avoiding failures that can result in direct and indirect costs such as delays, missed deadlines and loss of reputation.

Leica TS13和Leica TS16有什么区别?

除了升级的能力外,具有“锁定”功能,显示功能和机器人功能的Leica TS13,与Leica TS16总站相比,其总体测量性能降低了10-25%。这意味着与使用Leica TS16进行的测量相比,在工作日期间可以测量和放置更少的点。

The performance difference is mainly originated in the automatic target aiming technology. The TS13 uses ATR technology whereas the TS16 uses ATRplus technology. ATRplus features self-learning capabilities, better lock stability and longer ranges. Furthermore, the TS13 is equipped with SpeedSearch to fast search for prism whereas the TS16 is equipped with PowerSearch which is even quicker to search and find the prisms. Finally, the TS13 has a reduced keyboard without function keys for fast access to functionalities such as the ones the TS16 features.

When is the most appropriate time to use the TS13 in comparison to the TS16?


The TS13 features SpeedSearch technology. What does this technology do and what benefit does it bring to customers on site?

The TS13 is equipped with SpeedSearch technology which allows users to find and lock on to the prism quickly. SpeedSearch works onto Leica round prisms as well as Leica 360° prisms. There is no additional equipment needed on the pole side to fast search the prism. This makes the pole light and the user does not depend on any additional battery power on the pole side.

What is the difference between SpeedSearch of the TS13 and PowerSearch of the TS16?

SpeedSearch is the fast search method of the TS13 and PowerSearch is the fast search method of the TS16. The main difference between these two methods is the time to search and find the prism. Both consist of a horizontal and vertical search; with SpeedSearch, the horizontal and vertical searches are slower. PowerSearch detects the distance to the prism and accelerates the vertical search speed for prisms closer than 100 metres. SpeedSearch searches with a search speed independent of the distance to the prism.


What is the difference between ATR and ATRplus?

ATR technology is the automatic target recognition of the total station. This technology is crucial for aiming and locking onto a prism. Locking a prism means the instrument is following the prism. The TS13 is equipped with ATR and the TS16 with ATRplus technology. The difference between ATR and ATRplus technology is in the aiming ranges and locking performance. The ATRplus is developed to keep the instrument locked on the prism whether the prism is on a surveying pole or on a moving machine.

According to the specifications, the measurement range of the ATR is up to 1000m and the ATRplus up to 1500m. The locking performance of the ATRplus is much stronger at shorter ranges and when several prisms are in the field of view of the telescope and crossing each other compared to the ATR. The ATRplus uses an internal virtual target ID and can follow the prism with its dedicated internal virtual ID. The ATRplus keeps track on the right prism independent if this prism is moving in front or behind another prism. The ATRplus can also lock onto prisms which are shaking or vibrating due to its setup on a pole or machine.

要了解有关Leica TS13访问的更多信息:www.secondwindkites.com/ts13

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