Leica XPRO-后处理软件


还有一种看法认为,数码相机帧produce imagery in much the same way as traditional analog frame cameras. Therefore, it was sometimes thought that the transition from analog photogrammetric processing to digital frame camera workflow would be easy and smooth, while the adaptation to line sensor workflow would involve significant relearning. Recent reports from customers using both frame and line sensor workflow are proof that these perceptions are wrong!

Large-format frame sensor configurations use multiple sensor heads. To produce a final frame requires several additional processing steps which include compensation of system specific parameters, co-registration of the multiple head patched data and the introduction of so-called "virtual frames".

相比之下,Leica XPRO线传感器的工作流程直接实现,并且对于熟悉传统模拟框架处理的人易于使用。最重要的是,它会产生最好的结果。



  • Quality control tools can indicate a successful data capture mission at the earliest stage of processing
  • 统一的工作流从下载情况正色摄影ation

2. Add accuracy

  • 使用novatel跨度位置和态度系统的直接地理发行,并通过空中三角测量进一步改善
  • Aerial triangulation step of Leica XPro is simplified to a "black box" level
  • 以飞行速度交付
  • 对于可立体的图像或高分辨率正射击 - Leica XPro旨在以极高的速度交付
  • 亚搏彩票手机版下载产品已准备好通过广泛的数字摄影测量软件包进行进一步处理

Leica XproDSM pixel matching module delivers high density surface models from ADS images.
Leica XproDSM info clouds are:

  • 具有像素级的精度
  • 100%适合三角图的图像方向
  • 从干净可靠的匹配质量
  • RGB和FCIR颜色
  • 包含植被分类
  • From scalable matching environment supporting distributed processing

Going for gold
Leica XPRO DSM已证明自己是Ortho生产,城市建模或特定图像处理(例如采矿行业)的宝贵工具。XPRO DSM用于监视Kalgoorlie超级坑 - 澳大利亚最大的开放式金矿



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