Minimising environmental footprint by saving time and rework using machine control


作者:Karina Lumholt


法罗群岛(Faroe Islands)拥有高度开发的基础设施,将群岛与桥梁,道路,隧道和海底隧道联系起来。人口增长,旅游业的增长和大型公共交通投资导致建筑业蓬勃发展。

Plan SP/F是一家由Johannes Hellisdal创立的40年历史的建筑公司。今天,父亲和儿子约翰内斯和丹·海利斯达尔(Dan Hellisdal)并排工作,该公司雇用了大约七个人,但这个数字可能会根据季节和项目数量而有所不同。Plan SP/F曾在Faroe群岛各个地方,主要在Tórshavn进行了道路项目,回旋处,现场准备,土地开发和停车场。该公司专门从事地球活动的活动,并拥有七个配备的挖掘机Leica iXE3 machine control solutionas well as aLeica iCON gps 70 Tfor stake-outs.

我们的野心是在最小化环境足迹的同时有效地工作,”约翰内斯·赫利斯达尔(Johannes Hellisdal)解释说。“机器控制是该策略的非常有针对性的一部分,因为我们通过第一次完成工作来节省大量成本,时间和燃料。

Improving the workflow with machine control


Using machine control is fairly new on the Faroe Islands, and both father and son acknowledge the many advantages. Plan Sp/f is right now working on a construction project in Tórshavn, preparing a site for the construction of 12 buildings that will host a total of 38 housings.


Dan Hellisdal解释了工作流程,”We now work in a much more precise and faster way. I am using the Komatsu PC360 LC to dig down to the where the bedrock starts. My dad is sitting in the other excavator with the hammer, and we communicate with walkie-talkies. I can see directly on my machine control panel how much of the rock he must remove to get to the correct grade. Before we introduced machine control to our machine park, we spent a lot of time removing a lot of the bedrock, now we only remove what is necessary and that saves time, fuel and costs.

As an added benefit Johannes Hellisdal explains there are still not so many heavy construction machines equipped with machine control on the Faroe Islands, hence, it is easy to rent out machines with machine control.

特殊的气候条件在Faroe Islands

法罗人的气候提出了特殊的挑战。气候温和但不可预测,并且有大量降雨和雾气。有了相对温和的冬季,Plan SP/F通常能够全年都能工作。

We have water everywhere and the building grounds must be prepared with good drainage to keep the houses dry. We often have to pump the water away in order to continue working but we are so used to it that we do not even consider it to be a problem,丹·赫利斯达尔(Dan Hellisdal)解释说。

Machine control installer Kim Højland from Leica Geosystem installs and calibrates the iXE3 solution on the machine and explains the special preparations when installing machine control on a machine working in harsh weather.

我需要在机舱内安装ICG82 GNSS接收器以保护天气,并且整个机器将获得泡沫涂料,以便为Faroese条件做好准备,” says Kim Højland as he finishes the calibration and loads the Faroese coordinate system into the Leica MC1 machine control software.


Kim Højland calibrating the Leica iXE3 solution on the new hybrid excavator before shipment to the Faroe Islands.


Improving the workflow with machine control

约翰内斯·赫利斯达尔(Johannes Hellisdal)在他的新混合挖掘机中配备了IXE3解决方案。

计划SP/F以绿色和高效的方式驱使Dan和Johannes订购新的Komatsu 365小时混合挖掘机,从而减少燃油消耗,从而降低CO2排放。为了使工作有效地完成工作,从而完全最大程度地减少了环境足迹,混合挖掘机是直接从丹麦的经销商Scantruck的Leica Geosystem的IXE3机器控制解决方案预装的。


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