Hexagon announces Leica ContentMapper – new airborne imaging sensor for efficient large-scale content collection

(Heerbrugg, Switzerland, 21 September 2021) Hexagon’s Geosystems division announced today the introduction of theLeica ContentMapper这是一个创新且高效的空中成像传感器,用于大规模的地理空间映射项目。这款最新一代相机具有40,000像素的宽度宽度,为内容程序提供了最高的性能,并以前所未有的速率捕获了高分辨率图像。

Leica Geosystems的最新空降传感器由HXGN内容程序, the largest library of aerial imagery and elevation models, to enable the highest aerial data capture efficiency. The new camera provides double the resolution at the same flying parameters compared to previous systems and keeps up with the fastest flying speeds while creating highly accurate and detailed imagery even in challenging lighting conditions.

"The sensor is purpose-built to maximise imaging performance and is packed with Leica Geosystems’ latest technology — perfectly tuned and configured for large-scale to country-sized imagery projects,” says John Welter, President Geospatial Content solutions at Hexagon. “Now that the new camera is operational, we are looking for collection partners around the world to operate the system and help us grow the program,” he adds.


ContentMapper利用创新的徕卡MFC150 optical system in a custom configuration. The high-performance, metric CMOS camera delivers higher accuracy thanks to calibrated custom-built lenses in RGB and near-infrared (NIR). Each of the integrated optical units features independent, mechanical forward-motion-compensation (FMC) and benefits from Leica Geosystems’ recent advancements in selective sharpening and auto colour correction.

“基于MFC150技术的第一个大型摄像机系统是为图像收集过程中的速度和效率而建立的。我们在ContentMapper系统配置的经验将使Leica GeoSystems传感器路线图受益,因为我们将尖端光学器件集成到未来的成像传感器中。“通过将新解决方案与Leica HXMAP高性能,统一的后处理工作流相结合,我们创建了世界上最强大,最端到端的空中映射解决方案,能够准确地绘制最优质的细节并为大型绘制和配置。比例集,例如HXGN内容程序。”

“We are building foundational high-tech components for airborne imaging and LiDAR surveys, as well as a data processing ecosystem, which will give our customers more options for sensors that meet today’s and tomorrow’s requirements,” states Layton Hobbs, product line director for airborne solutions at Leica Geosystems. “We recognise that our customers need to be agile. We actively listen and build complete sensor solutions which allow them to adapt to rapidly changing needs of their end-customers”.

The new Leica ContentMapper airborne imaging sensor was specifically designed for large-scale geospatial content collection.


亚搏苹果appHexagon Est Un领导者Mondial des Solutions de Capteurs,Logiciels etsystèmes自治。nous mettons lesdonnéesau Service del'Efficacité,de laProductivitéet de laQualitéDansLes Les应用Industries,De Fabrication,D'Sunfrastructure,desécurité等人。

Nos technologies façonnent les écosystèmes urbains et de production pour qu’ils deviennent de plus en plus connectés et autonomes, assurant ainsi un avenir évolutif et durable.

Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) emploie environ 23,000 personnes dans 50 pays et réalise un chiffre d’affaires approximatif de 4.3 d’euros. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site亚搏苹果apphexagon.comet suivez-nous sur@HexagonAB

For further information, please contact:
营销传播总监Viviana Fuso
Phone: +41 79 519 0428

Leica ContentMapper
