关于#dirtsimple Mute Digital Twins的令人惊讶的事实



Not too long ago, I was involved in a campaign about talking machines. Indeed, thanks to increased connectivity, billions of gadgets can now connect to the Internet of Things (IoT). The data streaming through countless devices feeds the most sophisticated platforms, gets churned by mind-blowing algorithms and gives birth to new business models.

说话的机器是我们未来的一部分。他们说话很多吗?他们告诉我们他们的健康,能源消耗,关闭状态以及名单不断增长。今天,他们中的大多数人都用不同的语言说话。为了推动云中许多“机器方言”的标准化,最近,新协议has been reached on construction machine data standards at a general meeting of the Working Group Machines in Construction MiC 4.0 in Berlin.

The goal of this collaboration between manufacturers and users is to deliver a quality assurance system to guarantee a uniform standard for the construction industry. Manufacturers, machine users and system integrators are continuously working on a coordinated industrial standard to democratise technology and modernise the heavy construction industry.

Why and which machines need to talk to us?

Surprisingly, despite this ever-increasing choice of insights, most things that people want to know about objects are quite simple. Where is it? Where is it not? And slightly more meaningful: is it where it is supposed to be, or is it where it is not supposed to be? Like my socks, that randomly appear or disappear in the strangest places.






Advanced GNSS technology determines the exact geo-location of the ‘eyes’, and through triangulation, any ‘seen’ point can thus be located. Reality capture uses radio, lasers, LiDAR and traditional cameras. It runs advanced surveying algorithms to map millions of points per second.

Data can be captured from multiple sources through the use of 3D laser scanners and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry, producing 3D datasets such as point clouds and meshes and shared with everyone involved in the project via cloud-based collaboration tools . The ability to monitor the project conditions in real time not only gives the benefit of better planning, design, and execution but also provides the base for as-built validation.


There are an array of reality capture technologies available from small handheld to more static, terrestrial laser scanners. When choosing a reality capture solution for your next project, it is key to understand why you need data, what data you need, how best to capture it, and how you plan to use it.

Small portable and handheld imaging scanners give access to difficult areas and capture detailed data and images at the touch of a button. To capture large, inaccessible or hazardous areas aerial imagery and generate 3D deliverables UAVs or drones are ideal solutions.


To find the reality capture solution fit to your project, start with understanding the data and information needed to make informed decisions and, ultimately, keep the project on-time, on budget, and to specification.



今天,该服务智能l Reality™是实现智能站点,智能基础架构和智能城市的最有前途的技术。Smart Digital Reality™方法将使Hexagon的技术能够在任何地方工亚搏苹果app作,并为最重要的地点和时间提供实时位置智能。Smart Digital Reality™比数字双胞胎大得多。它捕获了事件,因为它们在实时自主中从数字双胞胎中自动提取,并将实用数据融合到完整的现实捕获中。亚博ag真人规律

It enables the interaction of objects, collaboration of people and coordination of tasks to work things safer, more efficiently and more sustainably because everything has a place and there’s a place for everything — even my socks.

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