
Reporter, customer magazine – INTERGEO 2020

President’s Message

Many industries and companies describe 2020 as a “lost” year. We definitely do not! Though this year has dramatic humanitarian and economic challenges affecting us all, requiring a lot of flexibility and adaptability, we also see countless impressive success stories from our customers.

Throughout our long history, we have overcome many external market changes and technology changes, all while keeping a high pace of innovation. Customers are the focus, and we strive to never let them down. I have been able to participate in various leadership positions during the past 17 years, and now, as president of Hexagon’s Geosystems division, I present you my first Reporter President’s Message with a dedicated focus on the digitalisation boost, which industries are experiencing right now.


Surveying methods enable digitalisation of real estate. Hollis, a leading firm of independent real estate consultants in the U.K., use Leica Geosystems 3D laser scanners and software to digitalise commercial and residential properties. The reality capture experts now manage vast amounts of digital data making it accessible across the company so CAD work can begin sooner. With point cloud registration times minimised, the firm delivers final scans to clients quicker and more cost-effectively.

构建施工受益于简化的工作流程和与客户更快的互动。德国的脚手架提供商Kolb GmbH已将其与Leica BLK3D实时3D测量解决方案进行了现代化的咨询工作流。该公司在手持设备上进行了自动测量,将其在网站上的时间减少了80%以上。通过将现场数据连接到办公室的技术人员,该公司现在可以提供快速报价。

重型建筑历史上一直是一个数字ly underserved industry. Al Nisr, a world leader in the construction of airfields and supporting infrastructure in the UAE, turned to Leica iCON 3D machine control solutions to create digital construction sites that connected all project stakeholders. Moving to stringless paving, the company automated stakeout procedures while tripling its capacity length in paving airstrips and cutting project times in half.

智慧HxGN内容项目支持自动化任务h maturing technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). These technologies, though, rely on consistent information to feed and train algorithms. With imagery being collected on a regular schedule and providing normalised datasets, the HxGN Content Program enables advanced analytics and automatic updates of location-based information. Updates are then performed efficiently, leading to automation of tasks like change detection.

The digitalisation journey is gaining speed and the momentum of the “next normal” will accelerate the convergence of real and digital worlds into autonomous solutions, providing and creating business opportunities. At Geosystems, experiencing the digitalisation boost ourselves, we will continue to strengthen our customers with innovative sensor and software solutions to lead by example and demonstrate what can be done. Join us in co-creating an autonomous future.

Have an interesting and enjoyable read.

托马斯·哈林(Thomas Harring)

托马斯·哈林(Thomas Harring)
President, Hexagon's Geosystems division

Read our customer stories here:


Creating Smart Digital Realities with Reality Capture

Sensor fusion to create the latest digital reality visualisation platform, HxDR.

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Mitä rakentamisen automaatio tarjoaa maanmittaajille? Kun odotukset parempaan ja nopeampaan rakentamiseen kasvavat, rakennusalaa palveleville maanmittausyrityksille tulee todennäköisesti tarjolle runsaasti mahdollisuuksia.

Paving the Road to Real-time Change Modelling

Changing mapping to keep up with an ever-evolving world.


介绍Building Solutions portfolio.

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Why the BMT Acquisition Changes Everything

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Our Customers

世界各地. Every day. Any application.


How Hollis Captures, Processes, Manages and Delivers Reality Capture data

From data collection to delivery, building consultancy firm Hollis used a full end-to-end Leica Geosystems solution to capture and model a 16,000-square-metre building in the United Kingdom.

Preserving Romania’s Speleological Heritage with Point Cloud and GNSS Data

3D laser scanning and GNSS sensors were used to generate data to study and manage a 6,298-metre cave in Romania


Using 3D laser scanning solutions to visualise Hyosung Vina Chemicals Port, Vietnam.

Surveying Germany’s Biggest Aqua Park

By expanding his surveying portfolio, Keller has been able to provide all surveying services for the plan and construction of a water park in Germany



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Customers across the globe solving complex daily challenges using Leica Geosystems equipment


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