John Kerrigan – Looking at the big picture

亚搏苹果app六边形地理系统正在塑造智能变化,这是由努力缩小本体和应有的差距的人们所驱动的。为了认识到明智的变化的面孔,我们采访了爱尔兰国家经理的Leica Geosystems国家经理John Kerrigan,与我们分享他的工作与生活平衡,职业课程,有趣的事实等等。

What is your role at Leica Geosystems and for how long you have been working with the company?
我在Leica Geosystems工作了6年。我是爱尔兰的国家经理,我也负责我们的KAM团队。

Leica Geosystems如何为您的职业发展提供帮助?
I have been very fortunate so far in my career with Leica Geosystems. I have been on many different courses, including sales and a negotiation training. I was also selected to attend the Hexagon Leadership Development Programme which was a fantastic experience.

您最喜欢在Leica Geosystems工作吗?
I enjoy the most dealing with our customer base and our distribution partners. Every day there is something different. Our customers are constantly being challenged in their daily working lives and it is up to Leica Geosystems and our distribution partners to help solve these challenges. This gives me great satisfaction. Our organisation has a proud history and it gives me great pride to be part of that and deliver our message and solutions into the Irish market place.

How do you balance your career at Leica Geosystems, and your personal life?
我现在有一个家庭,所以我需要在家里。The organisation is fully supportive of this and gives us the tools and technology to enable this to happen. I have a home office and I use WebEx and video calls. Luckily, I live close to Belfast International Airport which has good links to Luton Airport. This allows me to get to our head office in Milton Keynes quite easily.

What are the career lessons that you have learned so far working at Leica Geosystems?
有很多东西,很难列出它们。我了解到这需要许多不同的部门,所有部门都在同步工作,以使业务发展。我是管理团队的一员,了解每个团队如何使“机器”进步非常有趣。为全球组织工作使我能够了解不同文化的运作方式。我有机会在我们的欧洲会议上与我的同事见面,很高兴看到他们如何在地区做事。我们为许多不同市场细分市场提供解决方案,这意味着我们需要根据客户的方式以不同的方式工作。为Leica Geosystems工作,使我对所有这些细分市场有很好的接触,并且通过经验,我学会了适当地管理不同的情况。

How do you define success?
Happy customers, colleagues and, most importantly, a happy family.


What does true leadership mean to you?

Fun facts

Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien


Favourite quote:

Favourite meal:

Always give it your best shot and be on time.

People would be surprised if they knew:

Best vacation you’ve been to?
蜜月 - 墨西哥和加勒比海巡游

A football, a guitar, and sunscreen

What is the first concert you attended?


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