posicionamiento preciso en el Cielo de Londres

Estudio de Caso

Author:Renata BarradasGutiérrez

城市地标不是在一夜之间建造。在计划,设计和施工之间,还有其他关键活动 - 就像监视和定位一样 - 同时进行。

22 Bishopsgate,一个287米高的摩天大楼,通过英国伦敦金融区的空中升起。计划以雄心为首都的第一个“垂直村”,22 Bishopsgate是伦敦的第二高建筑


建造62层,地板空间超过120,000平方米必需的Careys土木工程才能倒入58,000立方米的混凝土and use7,500 tonnes of reinforcement。Thriving on complex and challenging projects of this magnitude requires innovative methodologies

– just like the building positioning system developed for Careys Civil Engineering by Leica Geosystems. This tailor-made solution for jump form high-rise buildings was chosen by Careys Civil Engineering to provide reference coordinates to monitor and carry out the surveying tasks during construction.


的两个核心墙22第一opsgate were constructed by Careys Civil Engineering in a sequence of several concrete pours using a jump form system. Jump form systems are working platforms or rigs for fixing of the formwork, steel fixing and concreting. This system is suitable for the construction of multi-storey vertical concrete elements in high-rise structures.

每次跳跃或钻机的高程以建立一个新的水平后,Careys土木工程测量团队需要可靠的坐标来继续设置结构并验证核心的正确定位。自动定位系统Leica Geosystems创建的主要任务是在整个施工过程中获得精确可靠的坐标,而这些坐标不受建筑物的运输影响。


With the above-mentioned hardware and software combination, Leica Geosystems developed a procedure, using GNSS observations combined with tiltmeters (precision inclination sensors), to obtain reliable coordinated points at the top of the formwork of the ascending skyscraper. Those coordinated points, or Active Control Points (ACP), are sighted by Leica Geosystems robotic total stations to setup its coordinates and orientation.

Above a certain height, in central London, ground control points were not usable or visible anymore; the GNSS system was able to provide reliable coordinates with no need for ground controls,” Careys土木工程,工厂和车队部高级工程师Damien Watson说。

为了建立自动定位系统,GNSS站与Leica GeoSystems 360度棱镜相结合,因此,GNSS传感器提供的定位信息可用于用Leica Geosystems进行调查的测量师的参考点机器人总站。亚博5分钟快三


Ensuring a smooth data flow


Leica Geosystems解决方案允许在需要时进行完全自动化的工作流程和结果计算,并在需要时快速交付坐标,优化调查团队的运营成本和运行时间,与不同的方法相比,沃森说。

The team was, furthermore, able to check the number of satellites tracked and data quality of each single point in the Spider interface in real time. All these quality checks provided in real time the high level of positioning measurement accuracy that Careys Civil Engineering needed to build this landmark.

After each jump and processing period, new valid control points coordinates were available for the robotic total station to measure any mark or object in the structure. The Careys Civil Engineering team on site then proceeded to set up the robotic total station at the top level where all control points were visible.


建造on the rise


“ Leica Geosystems解决方案在需要时自动向测量团队发送参考坐标,并且在每次跳跃后结构都在建立建筑物的信心越来越好,”沃森总结。


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