
对于与卡尔森办公室用户合作的Leica Captivate用户来说,这是个好消息:卡尔森办公室现场与未完成的例行程序现在支持LandXML文件的导入。这促进了Leica Caintivate田间图纸的进口。

Leica Captivate automatically creates drawings in the field by using modern coding and linework functionalities. So far these drawings could not directly be imported to Carlson Office without one or more time consuming conversion steps.

现在卡尔森Office 2017现场到即整理的例程支持LandXML文件的导入。因此,Carlson CAD可以在不丢失有价值的编码和线条信息的情况下复制迷人的现场图。这有助于平稳的数据流为Caintivate和Carlson Office用户增加价值。

Image 1 shows a field screenshot with linework measured with Leica Captivate. Image 2 shows the same measurement after the import using the Carlson Office 2017 Field-to-Finish routine.


Image 1: Leica Captivate: Linework measurement in the field


Image 2: Linework after Field-to-Finish in Carlson

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