蓝天uses Leica CityMapper to capture major UK cities in 3D

First commercial use of Leica CityMapper in the region


(Heerbrugg, Switzerland, 21 November 2018) – Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon, announced today the Leica CityMapper, the world’s first hybrid airborne sensor combining vertical and oblique aerial imagery together with 3D laser scanning, was used by Bluesky, a leading aerial survey company in the United Kingdom (UK), to capture major cities throughout the region.

Using the CityMapper, Bluesky was able to capture parts of London, Manchester and Birmingham as well as Brighton, Bristol, Cambridge, Norwich, Nottingham and Oxford. Bluesky intends to increase its coverage by capturing additional towns and cities across the UK and Ireland in 2019. It is the first time this technology has been used commercially in the UK to this level. The captured city data is currently available from Bluesky and Hexagon in its constituent components of vertical orthorectified aerial imagery, oblique photographs and LiDAR point cloud data. Plans are in place to also include the imagery in the HxGN Content Program in the near future.

“多个调查级摄像机和激光镜头的组合首次使数据同时捕获数据,以自动创建高度准确,详细的全市3D模型,其中一个传感器,一个传感器,said Rachel Tidmarsh, Bluesky Managing Director.“Whilst 3D models have been around for a number of years, they have either been prohibitively expensive for use across larger areas or of insufficient detail or accuracy. Using the CityMapper sensor, we can achieve efficient, and therefore cost effective, capture of highly detailed and accurate data making widespread use of 3D models a reality.”


Applications of the new Bluesky 3D models are expected to include urban planning, line of sight analysis, new development visualisations, environmental modelling as well as potentially 3D fly throughs and virtual reality experiences. Early adopters of the data include architects, planning consultants and other map publishers.

“The CityMapper was designed for just this type of use – capturing the many layers of urban environments,”said Ron Roth, Geosystems’ Geospatial Content Solutions product manager of Airborne Topographic LiDAR.“我们很高兴看到Bluesky能够与CityMapper生产的高质量数据,我们确信许多客户将从此捕获中受益。”

For more information about Bluesky, please visitwww.bluesky-world.com.

有关Leica CityMapper的更多信息,请访问://www.secondwindkites.com/亚搏彩票手机版下载products/airborne-systems/leica-citymapper

蓝天is the leading aerial survey company in the UK providing a range of survey, geographic and CAD data, including aerial photography, mapping and LiDAR. Our continuous investment in cutting edge technology enables us to offer the most accurate, current and highest resolution datasets available. Customer focussed and committed to innovation our products and services are constantly evolving to meet the needs of a broad range of market sectors in the 21st century. These include 3D building models, National Tree Map™, topographic mapping, thermal surveys and a range of specialist data analysis. In addition to this we are Ordnance Survey partners.

徕卡混沌之间,una senior del grupo六边形,l亚搏苹果appleva 200 años revolucionando el mundo de la medición y de la topografía a través de soluciones completas para profesionales de todo el planeta. Conocida por sus productos de alta calidad y el desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras, los profesionales de una amplia gama de industrias, como la aeroespacial y de defensa, seguridad, construcción y manufactura, confían en Leica Geosystems para todas sus necesidades geoespaciales. Gracias a sus precisos instrumentos, a sus sofisticados softwares y sus servicios fiables, Leica Geosystems realiza a diario una valiosa contribución al trabajo de todos aquellos que están dando forma al futuro del mundo.

Hexagon es un líder mundial en sensores, software y soluciones autónomas. Sacamos el máximo partido de los datos para impulsar la eficiencia, la productividad y la calidad en todas las aplicaciones industriales y de fabricación, infraestructuras, seguridad y movilidad.

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Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) cuenta con aproximadamente X empleados en X países y su cifra de ventas asciende a unos X millones de euros. Descubra más en亚搏苹果apphexagon.comYSíganosen@HexagonAB

Equipo de comunicaciones
Leica GeosystemsAG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg

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