
Case study

作者:瓦格纳·曼努格(Wagner Manurung)

检查45米高罐面粉的最佳方法是什么?并计算大量库存中的面粉?这些是印度尼西亚PT Wilmar的项目团队面临的挑战。该公司是Wilmar International Limited,亚洲领先的农业综合企业小组。威尔玛(Wilmar)经营着一个综合的农业综合企业模型,该模型涵盖了农产品业务的整个价值链,从耕种,加工,商品到制造各种农产品,包括大米和小麦粉。亚搏彩票手机版下载它具有广泛的分销网络,涵盖了中国,印度,印度尼西亚的五家工厂以及其他50个国家和地区的存在。

在这个规模发票处理农产品亚搏彩票手机版下载olves storing huge quantities of produce in tanks and silos. Upkeep of these enormous vessels is a serious business. The tanks are a critical financial resource for the company as well as being subject to international safety standards. At PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia, the project team must regularly inspect all above-ground storage tanks, reporting to management the measurements that indicate the integrity of the structures. Previously, tank inspection was a time-consuming manual process.

Faster inspections without any compromises

PT Wilmar Indonesia希望找到一种方法,使坦克检查过程更有效。更快,但不需要更多的人力。一个新的解决方案不能损害数据的准确性或团队的安全性 - 理想情况下都可以改善两者。

Already a Leica Geosystems user in other parts of the business, PT Wilmar chose to implement laser scanning. The company equipped the project team withLeica RTC360laser scanners to digitally scan the silos andCyclone 3DRsoftware for data analysis. The RTC360 3D laser scanner has a measuring rate of up to two million points per second and with an advanced High-Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging system, coloured 3D point clouds can be completed in under two minutes.



Manual inspection was time consuming because to meet international standards of tank inspection (API 650/653), you need to accurately collect multiple datapoints, including diameter measurements, roundness, verticality of the tanks and settlement of the contents. This is in addition to measuring the volume of production, which is vital information for the business.

通过捕获油箱的3D图像,RTC360扫描仪会在几分钟内收集此信息,项目团队可以从点云中提取它。PT Wilmar发言人解释说:“此分析过程是由Cyclone 3DR根据国际标准专门用于校准和筒仓检查的软件。”

Easy-to-use software reduces training time

Because the objective of the project to introduce 3D laser scanning was to improve efficiency, the new technology could not make extra demands on the team’s time. A spokesperson from PT Wilmar found the solution easy to use and training has been minimal, “Leica Geosystems products are easy to set up and operate, so it did not take much time for us to study.”

The lightweight portable laser scanners have had a positive impact on the way the team works. Fewer people need to be on site doing the inspections freeing up time to work on data analysis. PT Wilmar's spokesperson explains, “[We had a] limitation in human resources to do data processing. Having the RTC360 in use takes few people to do the fieldwork (only one or two) while the other team members can be processing the data in the office.”

Improved safety and fewer interruptions to production

Previously, the need to physically take measurements could be disruptive in areas of the factory with active machinery. 3D laser scanning is a non-invasive technology that captures measurements from a distance. Nearby machinery doesn’t need to be turned off and there is no risk of contamination. This makes laser scanning both safer for the operator and more productive for the business.

As well as using the RTC360 for tank inspections, PT Wilmar's project team have been using them for stockpile calculations, where the ability to measure from a distance has been a real benefit: “We get accuracy on the calculation and it’s easy to proceed, so we have no issue anymore with high or large stockpiles. Previously, we used total stations and faced a difficult process in the field. Now, we are glad that we don’t necessarily need to climb the stockpile of the flour to measure the volume!.”

Using RTC360 laser scanners and Cyclone 3DR software for tank inspections has been a success for PT Wilmar Indonesia. Not only has the objective to improve efficiency been met, but the 3D scans have made it easier for the project team to report to management about maintenance and to compile their yearly audits.

PT Wilmar的发言人说:“它有助于启用简单的筒仓维护,将常规数据更改为3D数据,从而在捕获现场的每个捕获数据角度创建清晰的报告。最后,它有助于PT Wilmar管理层在3D数据中查看实际条件。管理团队现在不需要去现场检查工厂状况。”在3D扫描的数据丰富的输出中,所有内容都在那里。


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With the introduction of laser scanning, measuring and documenting is simplified and improved across all industries.
With the introduction of laser scanning, measuring and documenting is simplified and improved across all industries.