Leica iCON iGG2 2D Solution


Leica iCON iGD2 grader solution

Leica iGG2 solutions for dozers increase machine utilisation, productivity and material efficiency in any earthmoving and fine grading contract. The solution can be paired with a wide range of sensors and combines ease of use, flexibility with an intuitive user interface.

入门级machine control

The Leica iCON grade iGG2 solution provides automatic control of both slope and elevation. Laser receivers are mounted on the grader and used together with a rotating laser. A single laser indicates height. Adding an extra mast and laser sensor allows you to work independently of the slope direction.

Automatic side shift

For graders, the new trisonic sensor is used to hold the height and slope by following a string line or an existing curb. When the machine runs in Auto mode, the trisonic sensor holds the height and controls the side shift following a string line or an existing curb.

State-of-the-art sensors

使用Leica MLS720或MLS 820激光接收器。新的MLS820激光接收器具有更宽的跨度,可以无需电桅杆就可以使用。它具有电子设置点,以避免向上和向下手动移动传感器,并消除使用电桅杆的使用。它也可以用作由汽车电池供电的独立单元,在电源较差的区域.


Benefit from a simple 2D solution with new and improved sensors and upgrade easily when the job site requires more automation, documentation and accuracy. AddMCP80 panel,MC1 software, and GNSS antennas or radio and prism to upgrade to a 3D solution without having to change sensors and cables.

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