
Insights from a fire and explosions visualisation expert.

Expert Insight Fire Investigation Jason Mellstroem


杰森·梅尔斯特斯(JasonMellström)生于一个摄影师的家庭中,对他的DNA中的完美形象充满热情。“但是正常摄影迅速在犯罪或消防现场遇到了限制,因为一切都是黑色的。那么您如何获得有意义的图像?”这就是杰森(Jason)在瑞典国家法医中心(National Forensics Center)开始为制定法医文档的3D技术做出贡献的问题。

火与爆炸调查 - 法医摄影-JasonMellström

JasonMellström,业务开发经理公共安全北欧 - 利卡地理系统

“When I first got my hands on the Leica RT360 technology package, it reminded me of getting my first EOS digital camera and Photoshop; a whole new world opened to me. Suddenly I could work seamlessly and tell visual stories in completely new ways. The RT360 laser scanner is a similar thrilling discovery. It allows you to combine point cloud data and photographic images and other data to visualise and reconstruct the stories of fires or explosions and then share them with stakeholders in a seamless workflow” explains Jason.

Carbon clues

“在火灾和爆炸调查中,我们有各种线索。例如,门柱的哪一侧燃烧得更深?这告诉您大火的发展方向。还是融化的金属是什么颜色?这告诉您火灾温度。还有一些现象,例如隔热屏蔽或包含重要信息的碎屑模式。在火灾中,您经常会崩溃,在爆炸期间,有很多分散的部分。这些对象通常会阻止研究人员需要检查的关键证据的访问。它们被碳化,这意味着当您触摸或踩踏时会破裂。这就是为什么您需要在接近现场的方式上非常谨慎。” explains the veteran investigator.

Leica RTC360在火灾调查中

徕卡呈RTC360laser scanner during a fire investigation

“为了获得脆弱的证据,您需要在大火后尽快冻结位置 - 虽然仍然是'热'。目的是在法医数字双胞胎的第一次演练期间尽可能准确地保留场景。这是物理位置的3D实时虚拟表示。一旦以这种方式捕获了场景数据,就可以开始转移事物以查看背后或下面的内容。Leica Geosystems的火灾调查解决方案是对所有这些挑战的回应。” JasonMellström信念。

Leica Public Safety fire investigation with the RTC360_fire scene


Firstly, with the RTC360, you can work quickly without having to compromise on resolution. You can document and visualise the location with high-quality 3D scansrate of up to 2 million points per second。这使您可以捕获3D颜色point clouds in under 2 minutes。其次,它是全面的:视野是一个慷慨的360° horizontal300°垂直字段,您可以将图像,文本或Geodata等其他信息附加到扫描中。第三,您不必担心光线:您可以在沥青黑暗中扫描,并且仍然获得准确的结果,因为RTC360的1级激光与人眼看不见的1550 nm灯一起使用。

对于现场操作,光,紧凑和健壮的系统也是非常重要的因素。RTC60为IP54额定为粉尘和防水,可以与专用的轻量级三脚架配对,以提供高度便携式和多功能的系统。单个用户可以将其从设置到设置,并根据需要访问紧缩的位置 - 整天且无疲劳。这是一个巨大的优势,因为参与的人越少,避免打扰脆弱的火灾后现场证据就越容易。

During the rescue or cleanup phases, response team safety is also an important topic. But Leica has that covered too. The fire brigade can monitor the structural stability of the burnt building using a Leica Total Station. If the structure starts to move, the device gives visual feedback right away and sounds an alarm. This allows the commander to order an immediate evacuation before anyone gets hurt.


Seamless sharing with stakeholders


The best way to expedite the investigation is if the investigators have a seamless 3D documentation and visualisation solution. Then you can create a Forensic Digital Twin and allow all the stakeholders to immersively explore an immutable record of the original scene. Ultimately it helps them to make solid, informed decisions.

“Being involved in the development and sharing of new technologies with the Public Safety community and customers around the world really motivates me” explains Jason who now works for Leica Geosystems as a forensic and visualisation expert.

“The technological development over the past few years has made laser scanners faster, more accurate and easier to use, making scanning data acquisition in the field more efficient and more fun than ever before. The RTC360 offers a combination of hi-precision, accuracy and robust reliability under a wide variety of conditions. There is nothing like it.”


选择3个很好的理由Leica RT360 laser scanner


Leica RT360激光扫描仪创建的数字法医双数据数据的分辨率使研究人员能够捕获和保留有关场景的重要信息,这对于重建火灾的故事很重要。

Leica Geosystems火灾和爆炸调查技术也可用于监测救援,检查或清除阶段的结构稳定性,从而保护生命。

Forensic Expert: Jason Mellström
Segment Manager - Public Safety & Forensics - Nordics
Leica Geosystems

Author: David M. Taylor

编辑:Malgorzata Krol
Senior Manager - Public Safety & Forensics
Hexagon Geosystems




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