

DS2000 subterra


SUBTERRA GMBH, an underground detection company, has relied on detection devices in Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland for every stage of its construction projects. With a high level of data accuracy, the company locates and maps underground supply lines and structures. Cable detectors and other various geo-radar devices are used to determine the lines to the centimetre. By using different technologies, SUBTERRA can also detect non-metallic supply lines. The location of the detected lines can be marked directly on the floor for the customer, made available as a classic 2D plan, or as a digital 3D model.

要求Subterra在瑞士Zug商业区的一条街道数字化。该项目的目的是将地下作为3D模型的获取和数字化。该模型将启用WWZ:Energie,Telekom,Wasser und E-Mobilität为了规划新的区域供暖管,地下街道和项目时间的开口大大减少,包括通过挖掘机封锁交通和二氧化碳污染的道路。


Subterra使用了Leica Ultra检测系统,包括Leica GeosystemsDA Transmitter, to detect the metallic lines as the exact determination of the depth was particularly important.

"We used theLeica Ultracable locator为了识别和标记电源和金属电缆以对地下公用事业的初步概述,我们可以在现场很快向客户提供有关电缆和金属电缆位置的信息。”

The team also used theIDS Stream Cand collected the data in 50 m long project segments to cover the entire area that needed to be scanned.
For the narrow areas, SUBTERRA used theLeica DS2000实用程序检测雷达. Together with the GPR, the team usedGeomax Zoom 90robotic total station to provide georeferencing and a precise location of the buried utilities. They alsoGeoMax Zenith 35pro to measure points where a vertical placement of the pole is not possible.

“一旦我们用精确定位器和GPR收集了数据,这使我们总共花了大约8个小时,我们回到了办公室,并在短短20小时内处理了带有IDS Gredhd的数据,并创建了最终报告以交付给客户,”戈登·科夫(Gordon Kopf)说。


Using a complete workflow for utility detection from Hexagon Geosystems, SUBTERRA (www.subterra.ch) delivered a 3D model of the underground utilities from that street on time and budget and also allowed to open new business opportunities carrying out additional projects in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

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