

The city’s first rail metro will have six lines with 85 stations covering 176 kilometres with about 40 per cent of the lines underground. The metro will be able to move up to 3 million passengers a day. All together, the project comes in at an approximate 20.1 billion Euros.


由西班牙的FCC Construccion领导的Fast Consortium,由沙特阿拉伯的Freyssinet,英格兰的Atkins,Alstom和France的Atkins,来自韩国的三星C&T,西班牙的Typsa,荷兰的Strukton,与荷兰的Strukton一起签订了4号。(黄色),5(绿色)和6(紫色)。该项目负责监督64.6公里的铁轨,29.8公里的高架桥和24个电台,总成本为71亿欧元。

这三条线的构建由财团中的三个合作伙伴监督:FCC Construccion,Samsung C&T和Strukton。每条线都有一个专门的调查团队,其中包括所有使用Leica Geosystems的解决方案。

Strukton, in charge of Line 6 (Purple), has been tasked with capturing data for topographic surveys, as-built checks, volume calculation, and inventory of existing utilities. The technology company specialising in rail systems and civil infrastructure is also in charge of stakeouts for construction and deviation monitoring.

斯特鲁克顿调查经理克莱门斯·蒂尔(Clemens Tierie)说:“尽管这些是我们的典型任务,但该项目的规模对我们来说是新的。”“只有在第6行,我有28支拥有10多个国籍的球队。”

有了如此多样化的组合,Tierie需要找到所有团队成员熟悉的通用解决方案。他发现在Leica Geosystems。Strukton团队结合了总站,GNSS接收器亚博5分钟快三以及施工激光器和水平与测量软件相结合的组合,可以按时按时完成该项目。

“Surveying is teamwork, and surveyors from all across the world know and appreciate Leica Geosystems solutions,” said Tierie.

比赛对nst the elements
With an ambitious deadline of just more than four years for such a large project, Tierie knew the team couldn’t allow for any disruption.


“由于我们的时间表,我们已经有很多天必须直接工作。我们迫不及待地等待晚上或温度凉爽。”“借助Leica Viva TS15总站的耐用性,我们能够在工作日的任何部分进行高临界性的占有性。这使我们能够确保一切都准备好按时开始。”

使用Leica Geo Office和Infinity软件,该团队能够立即将现实捕获数据从现场转移回办公室,以更快地处理。亚博ag真人规律这样,如果需要进行额外的测量,团队可以在现场时这样做,而无需以后返回。

The team also used the Leica Rugby rotating laser and construction levels to perform accurate as-built checks. With almost all of Leica Geosystems instruments able to operate from -20 to 50 degrees Celsius, the Strukton team is on schedule to finish the project.

接下来,作为该国最大的城市,在过去十年中,该城市的公用事业在过去的十年中取得了前所未有的增长,造成了复杂的基础设施挑战。在建造利雅得地铁线时,团队必须保持警惕,不要干扰上面运行的任何埋藏的公用事业或线路,很多时候不知道这些公用事业的位置。Leica GS14 GNSS智能天线与Leica GR10 GNSS参考站接收器相结合,Tierie和他的团队能够精确定位和解释Rogue Utilities。节省宝贵的时间并避免危险的公用事业罢工,团队能够更快,更安全,更有效地工作。



Tierie说:“借助Leica TM50总站的准确性,我们能够迅速确定施工操作是否对周围结构产生负面影响。”“改善了机组人员和社区的安全性,我们的工作在利雅得得到了很好的接待。”

The team has future plans to supplement the monitoring process with Leica GeoMoS monitoring software for instant alerts to deviations in the structures.

Worldwide support

Tierie says he arranged the project in Saudi Arabia through a combined effort of Leica Geosystems locations. His former Leica Geosystems network in The Netherlands with support from the Dubai and Switzerland locations and the local dealer in Riyadh all pitched in to make the project possible. Since moving to the desert nation at the beginning of the project in 2014, he has relied on the excellent support he receives from the many locations of Leica Geosystems.

“The quality of Leica Geosystems solutions is great, but the support for me is the biggest benefit. I’ve received very good support from Leica Geosystems Netherlands, Dubai and the local dealer SITML,” said Tierie. “Due to the Active Customer Care support, we can quickly and efficiently handle any problems we encounter on site.”

Written by Monica Miller Rodgers


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