污垢简单铺路 - 从弦线到完成3D机器控制解决方案

Case Study


在全球范围内,空中旅行的数量在过去70年中成倍增加。根据24航班,在一天中,超过230,000架商业航班飞行。最近的研究E. Mazareanuestimates the number of passengers travelling on scheduled flights to be over 4.72 billion in 2020; it is around 137 per cent higher than in 2004.


位于阿联酋的建筑公司Al Nisr是建造机场和支持基础设施的世界领导者。该公司正在经历快速增长,并认为在争夺复杂合同时,对技术进行投资至关重要,尤其是那些涉及跑道或围裙铺路的合同。该公司此前曾参与阿布扎比国际机场,阿尔·马克托姆国际机场,沙迦国际机场,艾尔·贝滕行政机场,艾尔·富查伊拉国际机场以及阿联酋许多军事空军基地的主要阿联酋项目。


当铺平基础设施与跑道和机场围裙一样重要时,AL NISR的目标是铺设跑道以5毫米的耐受性,这意味着厚度为5 mm或更少的厚度变化,表面的高度。传统上,他们利用弦线方法在铺路工作中实现了这种准确性,使用手动布置的串放入地面上,以指导放置沥青的厚度和水平。正如Al Nisr的总经理Eng。,Orwa Alward Zaidan所强调的那样,这种字符串线方法可能会影响准确性和生产率的水平:

“我们正在使用弦线 - 这限制了可能丢弃材料的卡车数量。有时人们会碰到弦线,这会导致问题。混凝土在晚上放置,该地点的调查是在早上进行的,因此,如果弦乐在晚上被击中,则将项目延迟到第二天早晨。弦有时也不准确并且可以体验下垂 - 这可能会对表面的准确性产生负面影响。使用字符串,我们最初只能一次铺平300m的长度。”

With several significant upcoming projects such as a new airfield operated by Etihad Airways in Abu Dhabi and a military airfield, Al Nisr invested in aLeica图标铺路混凝土机器控制系统Leica Geosystems, 部分亚搏苹果app, to improve their efficiency and accuracy in work. The company was already aware of Leica Geosystems’ easy-to-use solutions, as one of their engineers had used the system in the UK and was impressed with the performance, understanding that it represented a complete solution for 3D asphalt paving. In addition, Al Nisr had previously used a variety of survey solutions from Leica Geosystems, including Leica TS9 and TPS1200亚博5分钟快三, 随着Leica Viva GS14GNSS智能天线。他们总是对这款调查设备的可用性和可靠性感到满意,因此投资Leica Geosystems的机器控制解决方案是有意义的。


Machine control systems save time and costs for a variety of heavy construction applications and are used in paving applications to avoid dependency on string lines, making work easier for operators and contractors, while reducing costs. Stringless concrete paving also increases the consistency and quality of the finished surface.

Al Nisr购买的Leica图标铺路混凝土系统由崎and的防震和防水组成Leica MCP80控制面板,Leica ICR80或者TS16total stations, and twoLeica MPR122360° prisms for guidance, all supported byLeica MC1软件,用于机器控制的多合一软件平台。使用该系统时,Al Nir的操作员发现了图形接口直观且整洁,从而使他们能够专注于手头的工作,并以所需的精度快速完成工作。Leica ConX是一种基于云的解决方案和Web界面,允许客户使用强大的分析工具可视化和验证本地化参考模型,调查数据和构造数据,以监视和报告网站的生产力。Al Nisr发现这一功能特别有用,因为它使他们的主要测量师可以从他的办公室舒适地准确地想象现场进度。

在开始铺路工作之前,使用Leica GeoSystems的Leica GS14 GNSS智能天线和全站解决方案进行了调查。Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D在转换为XML文件之前,将软件用于制作网站模型,然后直接将其直接上传到摊铺机。Leica Iconstruct Field模拟器被用来确保一切都在工作之前正确。一旦完成铺路部分,再次使用Leica GeoSystems GNSS设备再次进行了制造的检查Leica NA2自动级别。

由于Hexagon Portfolio提供的各种软件和硬件解决方案的简单集成和互操作性,Al Nisr能够从传统的工作流程转向一个更连接,数字化的建筑工地。亚搏苹果app

Leica Geosystems的现场支持和培训

The installation of the system was supported locally by dedicated machine control staff from Leica Geosystems and their local distribution partner, GECO Engineering. Al Nisr staff needed training – Leica Geosystems staff visited and sat with the engineers and all other staff involved with the project, to ensure they were comfortable with the system. On-going support was also provided during the project.

铺设跑道和围裙使用GOMACO GHP2800和GP2400 pavers, the system has provided a wide variety of benefits to Al Nisr, efficiency being the main one. Originally, a paver had a run of 300 meters linear per night but now can do 900 m linear per night or nearly 2000 cubic metres per night. In addition, with this technology, the role of surveyors is now easier and safer. Pave patterns and models developed in the office can directly be uploaded to the pavers without having to knock in any pins for string lines. Thanks to the increased visibility offered by ConX, all stakeholders can now look at the project and say, with confidence, that it will be completed significantly faster than before.

首席测量师Arshad Mahmood使用机器控制的好处很明显:

“Everything is nice, we really like the system! In UAE, this system helps us to lead the market – we can now look at a project and say it can be completed in a much shorter time. I would say that we see up to three times more productivity than when we use a regular system”.


最初的计算表明,阿布扎比机场项目可能需要12个月的时间,但利用Leica Geosystems的机器控制,花了六个月的时间。借助大型基础设施项目,例如机场,承包商希望在截止日期内完成良好的态度,因为这使他们避免了重大的财务惩罚,并转移到其他工作上。

Leveraging the wide-range products and brands of Hexagon’s heavy construction portfolio, Al Nisr is proud to be the pioneer of machine control for airfields in the United Arab Emirates. The approach increases the company’s performance, improves its reputation, and helps the business win more work.

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