Leica Viva GS14– GNSS Smart Antenna


Leica Viva GS14是一种紧凑而强大的GNSS智能天线,适用于使用集成的移动通信和UHF调制解调器进行的任何测量任务。Leica Viva GS14易于使用其方便且集成的设计。

当您需要最苛刻的准确性时,该智能天线是您的全方位GNSS仪器。Viva GS14旨在随时随地在任何地方执行。

Viva GS14还提供:

Easy-to-use software
Viva GS14智能天线配备了直觉Leica SmartWorx Viva software。借助清晰的图形,实用的菜单结构,可理解的术语和简化的工作流程,可以节省任何网站上的时间和精力。SmartWorx Viva非常容易学习和使用。

Infinite possibilities
当Smartworx Viva捕获现场数据时,Leica Infinity软件processes the information back in the office. A smooth data transfer ensures the project stays on track. SmartWorx Viva and Infinity work in conjunction to join previous survey data and edit projects faster and more efficiently.

Customer care at a click
Through积极的客户服务, a global network of experienced professionals is only a click away to expertly guide you through any problem.

  • 消除卓越技术服务的延迟
  • 通过出色的咨询支持更快地完成工作
  • 避免使用在线服务重新访问昂贵的网站,以直接从现场发送和接收数据

Control your costs with a tailored Customer Care Package, giving you peace of mind you’re covered anywhere, anytime.

Powerful handheld devices
在一个controller or a tablet, take your entire office on the go when you discover the power to overcome any environment from the palm of your hand. TheLeica CS10和CS15控制器provide the ultimate in control and convenience with complete mobility.

WEBINAR: Unexpected Benefits of Touch-Technology Survey Software

Surveyors like Shawn Crawford are calling Leica Captivate software “a giant leap forward” and “the future of surveying.” Find out why in this highly engaging webinar.
Surveyors like Shawn Crawford are calling Leica Captivate software “a giant leap forward” and “the future of surveying.” Find out why in this highly engaging webinar.

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Benefit from the quality, precision and reliability of Leica Geosystems original accessories.

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Innovation that puts the human side of surveying first.

WEBINAR: Putting Survey Technology to Work: Four Simple Ways to Supercharge Your Productivity
