

作者:Ilona Bihlmayer

The civil engineering and road construction sector is facing ever more challenges. When it comes to motorway construction, public authorities require shorter build times to keep traffic jams and congestion to a minimum. Other challenges include the increasing number of heavy good vehicles due to the international movement of goods, increasing commuter traffic, the general increase in the number of individual cars on the road, and the size and weight of those cars.

For all these reasons, companies in the civil engineering and road construction sector need to be especially diligent to ensure roads are safer and more hard-wearing, and that they last longer. The planning parameters and target values for roads given by those who commission the builds should, in theory, guarantee the optimal run-off of surface water, good distribution of loads, and durability.

Roads that are tougher and safer thanks to digital measurement solutions

在道路构建中使用数字测量解决方案有助于将这些目标值转移到当地的精确实际值中。因此,莱昂哈德·魏斯(Leonhard Weiss)测量部主管Stahl先生决定使用Leica Geosystems的数字解决方案进行铣削工作,以进行铣削工作,以进行德国A70 Autobahn(BAB A70)上层建筑的翻新工程,以加快工作和加快工作和速度确保它是精确的。

For this project, the state of Bavaria, through the North Bavarian Motorway department, has provided the planning data and the target values to the construction company in a design guide. When it comes to renovating a road, milling off the existing surface layer is an important step. An accurately milled substrate is a prerequisite for delivering the planed asphalt base layer as detailed in the design guide with precise cross slopes and gradients.

Digitisation should increase efficiency and precision without impeding progress


在为团队和Stefan Stahl选择测量系统时,升级铣床所需的轻松使用和最少的努力也是重要因素。

The entry-level, GNSS-supported milling solution from Leica Geosystems met all those requirements and so Stahl opted for the Leica iCON site Milling Pilot.

由于Leonhard Weiss已经使用了Leica Icon ICG70和ICG60 Construction Rovers,CC80施工控制器和Icon Site-Field软件,引入了铣削飞行员系统是无缝的。Icon网站软件专门为建筑行业定位任务而开发,并且在所有Leica Icon-GNSS硬件上运行,在这里特别有用。

“我们的团队发现操作铣削飞行员很容易。该软件是直观的,铣削过程以图形方式显示,它帮助我们准确地设置了铣削深度。” Stahl强调。整个铣削团队都需要对系统进行简短的现场介绍,以便能够使用该系统。

An all-round digital solution for civil engineering and road construction

Projects like these are increasingly being handled digitally. In this case, the existing site was surveyed digitally by an engineering firm and the data was then transferred into the iCON software.



Simple installation

图标网站铣削飞行员只需要一个Icon-GNSS智能天线,CC80控制器和相关软件。天线位于铣床的顶部,在这种情况下,图标GPS 70 T将GNSS校正数据发送到控制器。该数据由软件以图形方式显示。

Impressive service and support from Leica Geosystems

Initially the LEONHARD WEISS team rented the system to see if it was the right solution for them. Shortly afterwards, they invested in a system of their own. “During the testing phase and with the installation of our own system, the service and support we received from the Leica Geosystems team in Germany was immensely helpful,” says Stahl.

Stahl went on to say that, “the Leica Geosystems team set up an individual installation just for us whereby the system was powered with electricity directly from the machine so there would be no need to charge batteries.”

作为Leica Geosystems的长期客户,Stahl知道他可以依靠Leica Geosystems进行各种项目的支持,并说:“他会毫不犹豫地推荐Icon网站磨坊飞行员,以确保其精确和放松 -使用。这以及我使用过的Leica Geosystems的所有其他系统,使每天在建筑工地上的工作变得更加容易。Leica服务团队始终在那里回答我们的问题,并帮助我们优化流程。”

在很短的时间内,Leonhard Weiss Gmbh&Co。KG的整个铣削团队都熟悉操作Icon网站磨坊飞行员。

The iCG70T is impressive, not just as a construction site rover with precise GNSS data, but also on top of a milling machine.


Leica Icon CC80控制器使用图标站点软件图形地显示了规定的铣削深度。

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