Kristine Juvel Guerrero-Zayco – Keeping it in the family business

Grandmothers typically pass recipes and stories about parents as children down to their granddaughters. Kristine Juvel Guerrero-Zayco, Leica Geosystems senior sales engineer in Singapore, though, remembers her grandmother sharing surveying tips and discussing the correct way to position a marker.

“My grandmother was a geodetic engineer, so she was always showing me the instruments she used,” recalls Guerrero-Zayco. “She would ask me ‘Do you want to also be a geodetic engineer when you grow up?’ I knew early on I would follow in her footsteps.”

Generations of a surveying family

Guerrero-Zayco comes from four generations of Philippine surveyors. Starting with her great-grandfather to her grandmother to her father, she also has uncles and cousins in the business. With eight geodetic engineers in the family, there are three surveying firms the family operates in her home country.

“I grew up in a surveying environment where my father would bring home total stations. During my school breaks, my father would bring me to the office and let me help,” said Guerrero-Zayco. “I learned early about our family business and always looked forward to being out in the field helping my family with surveys.”

When deciding what to study at university, the choice was easy for Guerrero-Zayco. She holds a bachelor’s degree in geodetic engineering from Feati University and is also a licensed geodetic engineer with the Philippine Regulations Commission. After graduation, she joined the family business conducting surveys and working her way up to supervising engineer teams.


当Guerrero-Zayco有机会从菲律宾转移到新加坡时,她采取了飞跃并采取了行动。她首先找到了进入Leica Geosystems的方式,作为区域技术支持工程师,她支持销售经理,经销商和客户了解公司的创新解决方案。

Guerrero-Zayco解释说:“成为专业的地球工程师/测量师,我在测量行业的近十年经验为我塑造了我在Leica Geosystems中的作用做出了很多贡献。”“当我遇到许多类型的客户时,他们都有一个共同的线程,并且想处理技术 - 调查任务。有了我的背景,我可以与他们的所作所为联系并了解他们的痛点。然后,我能够就可以使用Leica Geosystems解决方案来解决如何解决他们的问题。”


Recently, Guerrero-Zayco moved into her current role as the regional senior sales engineer where she presents and demos technology while understanding the needs and the pain points of the customers.

“With my experience and knowledge, I gain the trust of the customer by not just only aiming to sell them instruments, but I genuinely want to help them address their needs or solve their problems,” said Guerrero-Zayco. “I’m able to help them to be more productive and efficient in carrying out their surveying tasks. With this background and my passion in surveying, this drive keeps me going and inspires me to share my knowledge with the customers who depend on us for their business’ success.”

With almost seven years in the company, Guerrero-Zayco continues to enjoy her work daily.

Guerrero-Zayco总结道:“与Leica Geosystems合作,我不仅充满热情,不仅与最新的测量技术合作,而且还与许多客户分享我的测量知识。”“我的梦想是在测量行业中最受信任和最著名的品牌工作。”

格雷罗·扎伊科(Guerrero-Zayco)现在有了三个年轻的女儿,他将祖母和其他家庭成员关于家族企业的故事传播,以及她自己独特的观点,即在不断发展的行业中工作意味着什么。也许第五代测量师家族将在莉卡(Leica Geosystems)中实现母亲的传统。

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