Enabling city digitisation wherever you can go

Two years of city mapping completed in only 5 weeks

PROJECT:City mapping in the cities of Alès and Gap, France
顾客:Cabinet Brière
PRODUCT:Leica Pegasus:背包,Leica Pegasus:二,Leica Pegasus:Mapfactory


Roads, building facades and road signs were just a few of the assets surveying firm Cabinet Brière needed to map in the towns of Alès and Gap to provide a 3D digital map of the communes in southern France. ERDF contracted the 58-year-old firm known for revolutionising working methods, both in the office and in the field, with new technologies.

Combining Leica Pegasus:两个with the Leica Pegasus:背包the entire city was mapped in only five weeks, a project that would have normally taken two years, increasing productivity by more than 20 times.




Cabinet Brière President Philippe Jeudy was one of the first users of the Leica Pegasus:One, a mobile reality capture platform attached to a vehicle for 3D laser scanning of active environments. Jeudy and his partner, Guy Perazio of Perazio Engineering, first tested the Pegasus:One in 2012 and saw the opportunities in the mobile reality capture technology.


By the time the duo responded to the ERDF’s solicitation for digitalising the two cities, Jeudy and Perazio were experts in mobile mapping. With their even more versatile Pegasus:Two and the new Pegasus:Backpack, the team was able to capture more data quicker than ever before.


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Enabling city digitisation wherever you can go




Leica Pegasus:背包
