Share point cloud data from Cyclone FIELD 360 to TruView Cloud

现在,您可以直接从Cyclone Field 360共享捕获的点云数据,直接到Truview Cloud,以更快地协作

徕卡Geosystem的一部分s 3D Reality Capture Solution, the Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 mobile-device app was introduced to seamlessly link the 3D data acquisition in the field and final data registration with Leica Cyclone REGISTER family post-processing office software and downstream applications including the TruView and CloudWorx families. When onsite, users can automatically capture, pre-align and examine scan and image data directly from their chosen mobile device. The user interface of Cyclone FIELD 360 combines easy handling of complex calculations with a graphical user guidance, offering a remarkable user experience, even for novice users.

truview云是一项安全的,Leica Geosystems的托管服务,可以随时在任何浏览器和任何设备上查看,测量和注释您的数字现实数据。借助Truview Cloud,世界各地的用户可以使用适合现实捕获专家和新用户的简单直观工具实时就项目进行交流。亚博ag真人规律

With the release of Cyclone FIELD 360 v2.2 and TruView Cloud 2020, users can now publish Cyclone FIELD 360 projects directly to their TruView Cloud account from anywhere with an internet connection to provide collaborators around the world near real-time access to the rich project data including measurable images, layers of rich visualization and Tags that contain useful notes and project context.


从Cyclone字段中发布到Truview Cloud 360中使用移动应用程序的现有简单接口。只需从“捆绑”列表中选择设置捆绑包,选择发布并输入您的登录凭据。您的项目将流到云中。然后访问您定制的Truview Cloud URL,并从笔记本电脑,台式计算机或任何智能手机或平板电脑中访问您的数字现实数据。Cyclone Field 360是中央场软件RTC360BLK360和both laser scanners benefit from this new feature.

truview云is offered as a subscription service in 1 year increments and is infinitely scalable through the purchase of add-ons for extra storage.

The Cyclone FIELD 360 mobile-device app is free to download. A valid Cyclone REGISTER or Cyclone REGISTER 360 or Cyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK Edition) licence is required to activate Cyclone FIELD 360. Download the Cyclone FIELD 360 app from the应用商店Google Play.

For more information, please contact your localLeica Geosystems销售代表.

Gerhard Walter
Product Manager, Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Reality Capture Division


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With the introduction of laser scanning, measuring and documenting is simplified and improved across all industries.
With the introduction of laser scanning, measuring and documenting is simplified and improved across all industries.