Leica Spider Business Center


Leica Spiderweb

扩展徕卡GNSS蜘蛛,徕卡蜘蛛布鲁里溃疡siness Center is the web server based, software component of Leica’s Spider software suite. While GNSS Spider performs core computing of the corrections, Spider Business Center acts as the main shopfront for your GNSS network with web portal access provided in various languages to both end users as well as operators and support engineers managing the network.

Spider Business Center combines all the elements you need to efficiently operate your infrastructure including, secure user and access management, network and rover status monitoring, while also providing end users with access to status information and post-processing services. It also provides authentication and authorisation infrastructure for all Spider Suite services which includes real-time services provided by Leica GNSS Spider and the post processing services provided by Spider X-pos Server.

Administration Portal


Design Paradigms

Leica的Spider Web应用程序的基于Web的界面可方便,有效地访问一个平台上的中央信息。该门户网站还具有最高的安全标准,能够通过其审核日志追踪系统中进行的任何修改。




UseRINEX Data Access Service为了方便地下载GNSS数据或从网络解决方案中受益虚拟Rinex服务。无需办公软件,请立即检索高度准确的坐标坐标计算服务and through the坐标转换服务,即使没有技术专长,也可以轻松获得本地基准坐标。

Spider Business Center

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Visit our demo portal for Spider Business Center

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