Surpassing customer needs with 3D laser scanning


Author:Yoshie Katagiri

U's Factory Co., Ltd. is a Japanese company established in 2013 as a Building Information Modelling (BIM) management company, focusing on BIM for building and construction. Since its establishment, the company has used point cloud data captured by laser scanners to generate 3D models. Having determined that laser scanning enabled a dramatic reduction in the total time required to prepare various drawings, the company purchased Leica Geosystems 3D laser scanners. U's Factory has built up the know-how to optimally combine devices depending on the on-site circumstances to capture point cloud data efficiently.


U’s Factory’s Only One Service

Surveying, 3D CAD modelling, and various design drawings are conventionally prepared and conducted by various separate companies on a process-by-process basis, which is labour intensive. U’s Factory CEO, Mr Yasushi Uejima, saw this as an issue while working as an engineer at a major general construction company. Based on his experience, he founded U’s Factory with the objective of使用它大大减少现场工作并彻底改变了行业。

U工厂提供一站式服务,包括针对通用建筑公司和大型设计办公室的测量和建模。该公司不仅提供3D测量和3D建模but also consultation services for customers to achieve their goal. This includes the delivery of optimised configuration, structural, construction and facility drawings – that is U’s factory’s ‘only-one service’.

Improving 3D laser scanning services with BLK360 and RTC360

Point Cloud数据的使用被牢固确定为U工厂业务模型的一部分。作为公司追求进一步改善服务的一部分,U的工厂于2018年购买Leica BLK360imaging laser scanner,Leica RTC3603D激光扫描仪和Leica GS18 TGNSS RTK rover.

“ BLK360轻巧,紧凑,扫描快速。您可以简单地设置设备,然后按下按钮。我们甚至在一个项目中使用了它来捕获封闭的机室中管道布置的数据,我们在不蹲下的情况下无法进入,”explained Uejima.

至于RTC360,该公司购买了日本的第一个单位,并在2018年9月发布后立即收到。“ RTC360需要比BLK360更短的时间来扫描,并且它会自动识别其内置倾斜补偿器的水平水平。另一个突破是可以将点云数据传输到平板电脑的方式,以便您可以实时检查扫描区域。您返回办公室的情况,将数据上传到PC并意识到“哦,不,我应该在这里或那里进行更多的测量”的可能性要少得多,因此效率高度高,”Uejima说。

这些RTC360功能在Uejima调查了一个8,000-square-metre holiday home地点位于林地地区,有许多大树。“没有其他人员或设备可用,所以我自己去了,在短短两个小时内完成了扫描。”explained Uejima. In such environments, the scanning positions and arrangements are hard to be recognised in the captured data. However, since the RTC360 tracks its positions with integrated cameras,有效完成27个没有目标的扫描and现场预注册

Combining several devices to create an optimal survey plan

U’s Factory focuses its efforts on preparing the optimal survey plan to acquire the data that meets the objectives in the shortest possible time frame. The companydelivers accurate measurements even quicker,获得几个徕卡呈规则解决方法ns, including:

  • Leica Nova MS50MultiStation
  • Leica扫描C10
  • BLK360 imaging laser scanner
  • GS18 t
  • RTC360 3D laser scanner

网站上较短的测量时间范围使U工厂的客户取悦,尤其是当网站仍在被占用或进行持续的施工工作时。“By combining the RTC360 and BLK360, we were able to drastically reduce on-site survey work time. Of course, this does not mean that we can complete all the work with just the BLK360. Our starting point is to consider the client’s needs, and then, plan the optimal survey workflow with a combination of equipment with various specifications,”添加了Uejima。

该公司已经建立了有关如何充分利用所有设备并执行的知识和经验on-site survey work in the most efficient way。U的工厂专家,例如,使用GS18 T Rover进行调查地理位置,以一定的间隔使用C10扫描仪目标300 m通过MS50多稳定测量,并使用RTC360或BLK360来填补之间的空白。

测量的目的已经从仅获得两个点之间的距离转变为创建3D models with appropriate drawing sets甚至可以应用于增强现实和模拟中。需要准确点云数据will surely increase as business opportunities expand and diversify.

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