

By adding new radar technology to the Leica GeoMoS monitoring solution, the gaps between prisms of mines, landslides and dams are now also monitored for fast movements. This offers a clearer, more accurate picture of a project’s stability.

风险管理者完全充满信心地执行监视任务,知道表面的所有移动都通过两种领先的技术来监视:Geomos和IDS Guardian Radar软件。通过将表面信息与高度准确的大地测量数据相结合,监测专业人员可以完全且可靠地了解其项目的稳定性。


这项新技术将雷达形状文件与Geomos Geodetic监视系统结合在一起。监视专业人员可以随时随地在地图或图像上查看这些文件。他们还可以在软件向导的帮助下轻松地从这些组合文件中创建和共享报告。

“Hexagon Geosystems offers a winning solution by fusing two industry-leading companies, Leica Geosystems and IDS. By adding the radar technology to monitoring solutions, 1D line-of-sight surface data between project prisms is detected and combined with the highly precise 3D data from GeoMoS,” explains Michael Rutschmann, senior product manager at Leica Geosystems, “This results in fast, complete deformation coverage of structures and slopes.”

了解更多信息Leica Geomos和IDS Guardian

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