


徕卡BLK360 3D scanner recognised for outstanding innovation at Irish Construction Excellence Awards

BLK360成像激光扫描仪是世界上最小的3D现实捕获解决方案,在都柏林的爱尔兰建筑卓越(ICE)颁奖典礼上被评为最佳亚博ag真人规律“建筑产品创新”,因为其产品创新和对建筑行业的影响。To date, the BLK360 has earned several prestigious industry awards in Europe as well as globally including the ‘2017 Product Innovation of the Year’ recognition at both the London Construction Awards and the Building Awards in the UK and the best ‘Digital, BIM & New Technology’ at the Mondial du Bâtiment Innovation Awards in France.

IDS Georadar发射紧凑的安全监控雷达用于采矿


Leica Geosystemsintroduces latest GNSS technology smart antenna for construction

The Leica iCON gps 70 T smart antenna makes handling easy with permanent tilt compensation, resistance to magnetic interferences and calibration-free usage. With the iCON gps 70 T, construction professionals can measure and stakeout points quicker than ever before without the need to keep the pole vertical to level the bubble. The combination of the latest GNSS technology and inertial measurement unit (IMU) makes stake-out jobs on any construction site easy.

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