Leica MSS400 Series Sensors & SP Technology – Optimum Excavator Productivity


Leica Viva TS16



作为MSS400系列的一部分,MSS420传感器for underwater dredging jobs are built on the well-established MSS400 Series Sensor technology. Designed to be used down to 40 m at 5 bar pressures, the MSS420 sensors are equipped with reinforced components such as pressure tight connectors, a robust sensor housing, rugged cabling and stainless-steel brackets making it the most reliable equipment for underwater applications. The Leica MSS420 dredging sensors can be programmed to boom 1, boom 2, stick, bucket and even tilt sensors.



The MSS400 Series Sensors allow the operator to work faster while maintaining advanced accuracy at higher speeds on challenging job sites where productivity is essential.


SP Technology offers better dynamic update performance of angles, allowing the machine to move faster while keeping guidance values on the operator's panel accurate. Precise angle calculation makes the excavator more accurate and efficient.

No learning curve, no reconfiguration

All excavators equipped with图标挖掘and GNSS can be easily updated to get the full benefit of this incredible SP Technology. Complexity is removed compared to a regular guidance system with regards to installation and operator usage.


  • 提高挖掘机的速度,性能,精度和生产力
  • 由于安装时间减少20%,校准下降30%,因此正常运行时间增加
  • 保护您的工作现场免受SP技术的过度挖掘
  • 可视化机器在显示屏上实时的移动,大大减少了操作员错误
  • 消除具有360度运动范围的精确读数的“死点”
  • Increase your field of applications by adding underwater applications to your portfolio

Leica MSS400 Series Sensors & SP Technology

Improved sensors technology, allowing faster digging, dramatically increasing productivity.


Leica MSS420挖泥传感器


Leica MCH100机器监控


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