A New Development in Laser Scanning Technology

Hans-Herbert Tuexsen向我们介绍了Leica RTC360 3D现实捕获解决方案亚博ag真人规律

快速,高效,准确和便携,Leica RTC360是一个完整的新激光扫描系统。3D激光扫描中的最新发展将高性能激光扫描仪与旋风场360平板电脑上的移动设备应用,帽子ture and automatically pre-register scans in real time.

陆地激光扫描商业总监Hans-Herbert Tuexsen概述了一些令人兴奋的功能RTC360旨在在现场和办公室中提高生产率。


Technically, theRTC360不仅与速度和精度有关。它还使用视觉惯性系统(VIS技术),使从不同位置进行扫描的过程易于使用。


Progress viewed on the tablet shows the new data coming in at the right position. Just 60 seconds later the images are added and when complete, the scanner computes a reduced dataset for wireless transfer to the tablet.
Additional information, which may be used later in the office, such as voice recordings, video, images, text or documents, can be tagged to each scan and positioned accurately in the point cloud.


View and edit on the tablet
Whilst scanning continues, additional functions are available on the tablet.
  • 切换到360图像模式,如果需要,请编辑高质量全景HDR图像的亮度
  • 更改为减少点云的完整3D视图以缩放和旋转数据
  • View and examine objects of interest from previous set ups and add useful additional information to process in the office

Smart and stable
When the scanner is moved from one set up to another, the system technology will always know exactly where it is. With two scans completed the point clouds can be linked and optimised so that they are precisely orientated, all ready for the next set up.

Once complete, all the scan data and the additional information on the tablet is stored on the scanner’s removable USB stick, making transfer of the data from the field to the office quick and easy.

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Hans-Herbert Tuexsen

Contact us about Laser Scanning
