

Author:Paula NoriegaFernández

西班牙中部昆卡的一座宽敞的罗马别墅“ Villa Noheda”是一个重要的考古遗址,是世界上最大的古代马赛克之一的所在地。这是由卡斯蒂利亚·拉曼查省议会(Castilla La Mancha Council)照顾的,他询问西班牙测量公司ABSCISA 3D为了帮助创建今天的最新和完整的数字记录。Abscisa 3D选择使用Leica Geosystems 3D激光扫描解决方案来创建对农村建筑群的三维重建,并与全球Arqueología的考古学家一起工作。收集到的点云数据将与以前的研究进行比较,以跟踪随着时间的推移保存工作。

捕捉历史:在Villa Noheda的发掘多个阶段

Villa Noheda被认为是西班牙的文化利益(BIC)的资产,由Castilla La Mancha的地区政府管理。该地点是在1984年偶然发现的,当时的土地所有者正在为农作物准备地面。他们发现了一个马赛克,此后已经发现了六个神话场景,周围是几何和植物装饰,约为300平方米。直到2005年才进行密集探索,随后的发掘继续进行新发现,包括一系列房间,喷泉和水疗中心。Abscisa 3D的最新调查将为Castilla La Mancha省议会提供现有的未来研究发掘记录。

使用Leica RTC360 3D激光扫描仪进行快速,精确的数据捕获

对于他们在Villa Noheda的工作,Abscisa 3D团队选择使用Leica RTC360 3D laser scanner,“对于扫描时间和结果的高精度之间的良好关系,”工程师测量师Paula NoriegaFernández解释说。“体重也受到影响。”RTC360非常便携,非常适合农村地点,并捕获了详细的扫描,包括富集高动力范围(HDR)imagery, in less than two minutes. For data capture in the field, ABSCISA 3D used the狮子旋风FIELD 360mobile app. With Cyclone FIELD 360, users can visualise their results immediately; it automatically pre-registers point cloud data to enable users to quickly conduct on-site quality control checks.

Back in the office, ABSCISA 3D usedLeica Cyclone Core和Leica Cyclone 3DR用于点云处理。NoriegaFernández解释说:“狮子旋风, we imported the data from the laser scanner and registered the point cloud. Cyclone is safe and stable when it comes to handling a large number of point clouds. We always work with Cyclone.” She continues, “We unify and export the data in .e57 format. WithLeica Cyclone 3drwe make the digital elevation models and the topographic plan, which serves as the basis for the work of archaeologists.”


Noriega Fernández used the RTC360 to obtain detailed point cloud data which will be used in multiple ways. She says, “we were able to obtain a dense point cloud that allows the calculation of the orthophotography and a three-dimensional model of the reservoir area.”

The speed of the data capture - up to 2 million points per second - is a real benefit to the business, says Noriega Fernández, “We have verified that the time in the field is very fast, this makes the cost of the work lower.” Portability also contributes to keeping costs under control because the work only requires one surveyor: “This type of work is done by one person. This saves on personnel.”

除了快速外,RTC360激光扫描仪还提供精度,可以通过Cyclone Field 360在现场进行检查。低噪声数据可进行清晰,高质量的扫描,这些扫描均丰富,可以详细且可以在一系列应用中使用。NoriegaFernández继续说:“我们始终为这些类型的工作推荐RTC360 3D激光扫描仪。它的速度和精度令人难以置信。”

Cyclone CORE: “Incredible software when it comes to working with the point clouds”

一旦现场工作完成,ABSCISA 3 d team used Cyclone software for final point cloud registration and export to Cyclone 3DR. They then created the final deliverables, including a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). She explains, “The point cloud is the starting point for subsequent work, orthophotography, mapping, MDS, point cloud comparison of various work campaigns. Archaeologists need the DEM to know the heights of existing walls relative to mosaic and natural terrain, as well as the slope of the terrain. They study it and make the interpretations.”

“ Point Cloud还可以充当未来工作的数据库,并且需要政府拥有并留下遗产文档。在我们使用点云时,旋风似乎是一个令人难以置信的软件。”


尽管这是一个非凡的地点,但在abscisa 3d来说,在许多方面,Noheda的调查是正常工作。NoriegaFernández说,Abscisa 3D在95%的现场工作中使用RTC360,从扫描古代废墟到1970年代的房屋准备进行改造,从桥梁到大型工厂。“我们将RTC360激光扫描仪用于大多数工作,包括遗产,建筑,工业和民用。我们认为这是一个非常完整的产品。”

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