The BLK360 worth a thousand words

11月16日宣布Leica GeosystemsBLK360, a revolutionary miniaturized black 3D imaging laser scanner, people were awestruck.

Leica Geosystems与Autodesk合作已经聚在一起shape the future of reality capture.塑造现实捕获代表亚博ag真人规律了将最先进的技术与一流的设计相结合,以对建筑,工程和建筑市场中的每个人进行民主化3D激光扫描。换一种说法,Leica BLK360与Autodesk的Recap 360 Pro一起,使每个人都可以将高分辨率360°图像和3D激光扫描数据合并到日常工作中。

“The lines are being blurred between design and construction. Information from the field is being brought to the office faster and faster. That is allowing construction professionals to identify problems before they become real problems. The net result is to save billions annually on unnecessary project costs," said Aaron C. Morris, senior manager, Autodesk Reality Solutions. "At the heart of all this is reality capture."


Some of the features that define the BLK360 as new category on its own are:

  • 便携的 -用1千克,BLK360是同类中最小,最轻的
  • 60 meter measurement range
  • 一套完整的full-dome360度激光扫描和3D全景图像捕获with WiFi transfer to the iPad Pro in only 3 minutes
  • 全彩全景图像overlaid on a high accuracy point cloud
  • Simple user experience -任何可以操作iPad的人现在都可以使用高分辨率3D全景图像捕捉周围的世界
  • 流图像和点云数据带有Recap Pro 360移动应用程序的iPad

所有这些功能leica blk360定义a new category: the imaging laser scanner

自BLK 360宣布以来,社交媒体充满了鼓掌。“改变游戏规则“, "破坏性“, "无语“, "tiny“, and "simplified workflow“有一些用来描述紧凑且易于使用的3D成像激光扫描仪的词。




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