Leica SP技术


Leica SP技术

SP technology is...

  • 速度和生产力
  • 平滑度和精度
  • 出众的表演
  • 独特的灵活性


  • 与推土机的三齿轮相处
  • 保持更高速度的平稳性和准确性
  • 使用GPS或总站使用SP技术的灵活性亚博5分钟快三
  • 增加机器正常运行时间(例如,通过短暂的GPS中断或棱镜跟踪的短暂中断)
  • Higher sensor availability with GNSS/GPS
  • 无与伦比的生产力可以提高您的盈利能力
  • 在更少的时间内达到目标成绩



Highly accurate, smooth results in any environment
By using inertial guidance with highly responsive hydraulic control, grading performance is significantly enhanced. Dozers equipped with SP technology provide extremely precise and consistent grading results at previously unimaginable speeds and on virtually any surface and in any environment.

iCON grade systems with SP technology offer new ways of working. Dozers can undertake fine-grading & finish work, meaning less heavy equipment is needed on many projects. And keeping things moving and productive on more challenging jobsites such as deep cuts, urban canyons, forested or mountainous areas will really benefit from SP Technology's enhanced performance!

The key component is the SP14 sensor which provides inertial guidance (INS integrated). Together with the new, 5 times faster hydraulic control (100 Hz output compared to 20 Hz with regular GNSS), the performance of the machine control system is significantly enhanced. Operators can work through momentary lapses in satellite coverage or lost signal, enjoying maximum uptime. Leica iCON grade systems with SP technology offer you superior machine control performance in any environment, resulting in smoother, more accurate grading at higher speeds.


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