

一个好的三脚架是最重要的标准its stability, quite explicitly, the torsional rigidity. With that, a very valuable, but not the only, argument for the original tripod from Leica Geosystems has been named. Other substantial benefits are the height stability under load and the minimal horizontal drift. Also not to be underestimated are advantages such as long life, optimal vibration dampening, water resistance, outstanding behaviour in solar radiation and their weight in relation to load-bearing capacity.

如果要达到仪器的指示准确性,则正确的三脚架选择是决定性的。分类“重型”和“轻型责任”广泛基于ISO Norm 12858-2。

Professional 5000:三脚架 - 重型
专业3000:三脚架 - 轻型
专业1000:三脚架 - 全能

Leica Geosystems三脚架仅由木材或铝制造。木材,尤其是Leica Geosystems使用的山毛榉和松树,提供了最佳的稳定性值,该值以垂直运动和水平漂移的时间来测量。木材还具有最佳的振动特性,因此具有实质性的好处,尤其是在使用电动TPS方面。木制三脚架的表面被密封多次,以防止吸收水分和最大寿命。铝制三脚架是强大的,可以节省重量,但是它们的应用范围是有限的。


Benefit from the quality, precision and reliability of Leica Geosystems original accessories.
Benefit from the quality, precision and reliability of Leica Geosystems original accessories.

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