

作者:理查德·奥斯特里奇(Richard Ostridge)

Every time I look at my social media feeds, I see at least one post about Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning. However, I recently read about an equally impactful technology revolution that seems underrepresented in such discussions — robot builders.

以前的技术进步已经减少了建造所需的努力 - 挖掘机,水泥搅拌机,千斤顶,电钻和螺丝刀,仅提及一些设备,这些设备简化了施工任务。但是,在过去的几年中,另一个重大进展开始焦点 - 自动化。


世界经济论坛的一篇文章“由机器人建造:这家瑞士公司可以永远改变建筑行业”,这使我想到了建筑的基本面如何迅速变化。该文章以瑞士的三级“ DFAB”房屋的概念证明,其中包括3D打印的天花板,能节能的墙壁和由机器人在现场组装的木梁。负责本文中引用该项目的研究人员Matthias Kohler对机器和人类将来将如何共同努力有一个清晰的看法。根据科勒的说法,不应期望机器人综合人类的工艺,而是人类应该对设计进行反向工程,以允许机器人建造适合其优势的材料和结构。

现场房屋建设并不是什么新鲜事物 - 在过去的20年中,像Huf Haus这样的品牌刷新了公众对预制建筑的热情。DFAB房屋的不同之处在于3D打印和基本机器人组件的规模使用,这省略了人类为创建建筑物的元素的全部努力。当然,这些要素仍然需要人类的组装,但是如果建筑师和建筑商完全采用Kohlers的视野,则可以简化建筑物的设计,因此机器人也可以完成一些组装。

Automated Assembly

Automated assembly is not something to expect to see happening on a large scale in the next 20 years, but there’s growing examples of the edge cases of robots doing more kinetic labour. For example, Construction Robotics’ Semi-Autonomous Mason, the Sam100, is currently at work on a handful of building sites across the U.S. It can apply mortar to any size brick and place one every 8.5 seconds. Where a human mason can lay 300-600 bricks in an eight-hour shift, the Sam100 can lay more than 3,000. Videos of Sam100 in action get millions of views on video-sharing platforms, indicating that there is interest and excitement in this topic.

Sam100 joins Hadrian X from Australia’s Fast Brick Robotics, which both 3D print, lay bricks, and can complete the superstructure of a conventional masonry home in just two days. Another interesting example of an advanced construction robot is a robotic hot-wire cutting robot from Danish company Odico, which uses electrically-heated wire to cut through industrial foams, replicating the geometry by a given CAD model. Also, EffiBOT from Effidence in France can follow workers carrying tools and materials. Naturally, there’s hesitancy in any industry about robots automating more workload. Nevertheless, despite the amazing examples described above, robots won’t be building houses in volume for several years. Of course, many positives can easily be identified — such as cost, time and impact on the environment. However, so can some of the cons, where issues like retraining of parts of the workforce do need to be considered critical for long term acceptance and success.


Hybrid Surveyors

If a robot is going to produce an object, accurate sizing information is mandatory. If a robot is going to place something into the correct location on site, accurate position information is required.

公差将是紧张的,准确的和精确的,妥协将无法选择 - 这听起来像是测量师的电话卡。

Whereas a human on a construction site can see a small discrepancy and instinctively know how to handle the problem, I am not convinced a robot would be able to self-solve the issue on-the-fly. Perhaps it would detect the problem and then request human assistance — reducing the efficiency gain that was one of the motivations for using robots in the first place. Undeniably, the best way to maximise the efficiency of robots is by providing them with quality information that truly represents reality.

所以,没有人将被调查? Well, in some data capture scenarios it can be argued that the role we play has already slightly shifted — for example, shifting from selecting which exact points to measure towards picking an area and density to let the instrument capture. Mainly, this is thanks to the advancements, acceptance and use of technology, like the Leica RTC360 3D laser scanner, or mobile technology, such as the Leica BLK2GO, which automatically capture 3D point clouds as an operator walks through and around a site.

也许没有人类的数据收集 - 但是,调查(包括可交付成果),没有。但是,我们的测量师可能必须调整成为“测量师”的含义。




Maybe the job will have more of an emphasis on determining what checks to build in, or how to evaluate and process data. And most likely, more weight will be put on deciding what data is relevant and how and when to present it.


如果我们这样做,我们将不仅可以保护自己的短期就业未来,而且可以确保调查行业的未来 - 即使我们正在调查建筑机器人使用数据。


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