

作者:Reka Vasszi


Reality in Virtual Reality Ltd.(RIVR)是英格兰VR经验的开发商,正在通过为所有行业提供身临其境的培训和教育计划来增强人类学习的方式。基于VR的培训计划可以将用户沉浸在现实情况下,例如犯罪或火灾场景,这些情况无法在现实生活中轻松复制。

这immersive experience RiVR offers is ideal for applications in the public safety sector where VR provides students a way to gain valuable experience of dangerous or life-threatening environments from the safety of a training room. The Fire and Rescue Service and the Department of Science and Technology Laboratory in the United Kingdom both requested RiVR to produce a hyper-realistic recreation of fire and crime scene scenarios based on real-world events to develop virtual training programmes for their trainees. The goal of the training is为学生在压力很大的情况下做好适当的行为和行动做好准备。RIVR开发的虚拟现实监视器(VRM)允许培训师观察候选人如何与场景互动,并全面概述培训课程。

使用Leica RTC360激光扫描仪,结合摄影测量法,RIVR能够发展类似生活的虚拟环境在哪里fire and police officers of the future can be trained


Pioneering with its first product, RiVR Investigate, the company is complementing real-world training of firefighters, police officers and crime scene investigators with an immersive photorealistic VR experience. RiVR Investigate allows the new recruits to gain exposure in a controlled and consistent way. Exposing trainees to a real fire and dangerous situations for the first time might result in stress and fear for the job. VR technology also allows police officers and investigators to undertake a range of simulations and重现任何否则可能无法的谋杀现场

In RiVR Investigate training solution trainees get access to six different fire investigation scenarios, two hazardous material incidents, and two crime scenes. The RiVR software also records all the actions taken by the trainee for review. The team of developers is looking to work with more fire services and police forces to increase the VR scenario library year on year.

But,这些现实生活中的情况如何转化为虚拟模拟?RIVR与Leica Geosystems合作,并使用Leica RTC360to produce大型场景的高分辨率拓扑。这高度便利和自动化RTC360使团队有能力记录并捕获犯罪现场and the burnt-out buildings fast and to the finest detail.

“We use the RTC360 when we scan large environments that don't lend themselves to photogrammetry. Then onto the scans, we overlay high-resolution imagery to produce millimetre accurate photo-realistic environments of any size. We also find the RTC360 very useful in environments that are very hard to do a photogrammetry scan, such as a mainly white lab, which doesn’t have much randomness [points of reference] to it,”RIVR创意总监Alex Harvey解释说。

Capturing reality to enhance learning

Experiencing new challenging environments for the first time, such as a murder scene or a fire, provides valuable context and位置意识of situations for the candidates, otherwise difficult to replicate without significant costs. With the ability tomirror with millimetre precisionthe通过激光扫描现实世界,专业人士可以create engaging real-life experiencesfor multiple applications, including photorealistic VR training for public safety.

在BBC点击剧集中,Paul Speight,Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service的手表经理Paul Speight在VR环境中受过培训的州学生更加参与。根据美国国家培训实验室的最新报告,使用VR得分的学习率75%。In contrast, other lecture-style methods were at 5 per cent.




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