

作者:塔玛拉·斯塔基奇(Tamara Stakic),市场经理-Leica Geosystems,Australasia

Auspat Land Survey Australia(AUSPAT)对为大型多面基础设施项目提供服务并不陌生。澳大利亚工程和基础设施公司已聘请为澳大利亚一些最大,最重要的基础设施项目提供调查解决方案 - 从悉尼的M7到墨尔本的埃斯特林克,布里斯班的网关重复,最近是阿德莱德的超级路等等Melbourne’s Metro Tunnel and Westgate Tunnel projects.

To deliver surveying and spatial solutions on the largest infrastructure projects in the country, Auspat recognises that digital and spatial technology innovation increases value to the client, enhances the quality and boosts productivity for project delivery. Utilising the latest technology allows Auspat to provide the best quality data and services to their clients.


The Metro Tunnel Project is the largest rail project in Melbourne, Australia since the City Loop was built in the 1970s. It involves building twin nine-kilometre rail tunnels and five underground stations from North Melbourne through to the Domain precinct, south of the CBD.

自2018年以来,奥斯帕特(Auspat)一​​直参与该项目,并且在许多阶段都参与了整个阶段 - 从隔膜墙(D -Wall)建筑(Arden Station),开挖和早期基础工程(车站和门户网站),隧道入口和车站建设(Arden和Anzac站)。

团队最初部署了Leica Nova TS60Nova MS50多阶段要在站点站点和门户网站上建立控制网络。目的是为这些站点建立主要的调查控制网络。对于AUSPAT的团队,必须使用可靠,准确的控制网络,并使用他们成功地在网站周围进行遍历的Leica Geosystems总站。亚博5分钟快三


Seeing is believing

在开始结构工作和设计验证时Leica Scanstation P40survey-grade laser scanner was deployed. The ScanStation P40 scanner allowed the team to capture quick scans of the site, easily register scans inLeica Cyclone寄存器(点云注册办公室软件)并导出用于使用的数据Leica Cyclone 3dr, to extract line work and surfaces.

Cyclone 3DR还用于使用点云数据和热图评估设计与设计的潜在偏差。

“我们的客户重视视觉热图,3D数据可交付成果和3D模型,因为它易于理解,并且视觉上有助于确定和显示复杂环境中的潜在偏差。此外,点云数据非常准确,这种质量使团队在奥斯帕特(Auspat)提供了额外的信心,可以将完美的数据传递给客户。这种可视化使我们的客户可以轻松地将建筑结构与设计进行比较,并确定必须解决的任何偏差。另一个好处是,我们可以以多种格式导出扫描,我们的客户和设计师都使用大多数CAD包装。” Auspat高级测量师Mal Friel说。

A useful application of the ScanStation P40 laser scanner has been the ease and speed at which we can collect data in areas that would be challenging and time consuming using traditional methods.

“这些只是一些广告ditional value-adds that we can provide to our clients. Once they see the level of detail that a scanner can produce it becomes an easy decision for them. In a three-minute scan we can provide exactly what they required in their brief and even additional data that we didn’t initially set out to capture. This saves the team multiple site-visits,” explains Friel.

Scanning forward

Adopting laser scanning technology not only helped Auspat with deliverables but also helped them to meet project deadlines. Scanning technology allowed Auspat to complete their scans within five to 10 minutes per setup, with only one person needed to operate the scanner and without disrupting other project teams on site.

Auspat have been proud owners of the ScanStation P40 for over 12 months and haven’t looked back. With the addition of a scanner in their fleet, Auspat has expanded into additional services as well as being able to add value to their clients. With the ScanStation P40 scanner Auspat can now scan large areas and extract features or create a 3D DTM far quicker and with a higher level of detail than traditional feature surveys.

"Having the capability to scan has allowed us to carry out surveys in complex environments such as rail corridors and freeways without the need for track or lane closures, providing considerable efficiencies to clients", said Friel.

The adoption of scanning technology has made Auspat more efficient and in turn, they have been able to take on more feature survey work with consultancy and design agencies.


The ScanStation P40 won over Auspat due to the familiar interface and easy adoption for the team. "Programmes such as the “Resection” and “Traverse” functions on the scanner allowed us to have increased confidence in our data", said Friel.

这意味着,澳大利亚分销商Leica Geosystems的支持和动手培训C.R.肯尼迪扫描专家Sam Hesper,奥斯帕特(Auspat)的团队能够使他们的扫描项目启动并迅速运行,并充满信心地,支持只是一个电话。


What’s next for Auspat?


‘我们希望继续探索地理空间技术并扩大我们的能力。让Leica Geosystems和C.R Kennedy作为合作伙伴使我们可以访问硬件和软件的最新进展。



Get in contact with us for more information about our laser scanning portfolio.
Get in contact with us for more information about our laser scanning portfolio.


With the introduction of laser scanning, measuring and documenting is simplified and improved across all industries.
With the introduction of laser scanning, measuring and documenting is simplified and improved across all industries.