
Customer Profile

Author:Kevin Rinaldi-Young


英国的空间数据公司于2015年推出瞳孔was one of those companies with a tangible and ambitious vision on how geospatial assets could revolutionise the valuation of real estate. WhenLeica Geosystems在2016年11月揭示了世界上最小,最容易使用的现实捕获激光扫描仪,亚博ag真人规律Leica BLK360,为学生提供了捕获360°高动态范围(HDR)球形图像和点云数据的理想工具。这个微型3D成像激光扫描仪具有enabled a raft of new applications in architecture, design, construction and engineering并在数据学生今天发挥着重要作用。

What’s more, Pupil’s initial thesis that accurate, data-rich captures of interiors could create a new gold standard在房地产行业中,使用BLK360现在已成为现实。

The vision

两家公司都在使其任务保持一致民主化访问准确的数据,这表现在学生向客户提供的可交付成果中。3D reconstruction场景理解系统allow Pupil to take real-world spaces and convert them intohyper-accurate digital records。这保证了正确的测量方法,可以帮助准确的估值,并有助于避免潜在的误导房地产交易。

Pupil的目标是由James D. Marshall(CEO),Oliver Breach(COO)和David Mullett(CO)创立,学生的目的是捕获,发布和提供3D信息,以工业规模获得。由伦敦市中心的85多名员工组成的团队,并由JPMorgan,Uber和IAC等公司的前高级管理人员组成,学生推出了其第一个品牌,即规格,2018年6月。


  • 专业摄影
  • 360°图像
  • 平面图
  • 沉浸式VR含量
  • 区域测量报告
  • 状态报告。

瞳孔is also currently at a beta stage with its second brand which focuses solely on the commercial property market - Stak.

The mission


瞳孔’s army of digital surveyors visit and scan properties and locations across London daily. The large amounts of data experts generate is then fed through a proprietary cloud architecture and processed by a team that provides Spec’s clients with access to consumer-ready assets within 24 hours. This includes 360° imagery and an immersive experience with life-like viewings that can be accessed from a desktop computer, smartphone or the Spec mobile app from anywhere in the world.

在触摸按钮时,BLK360捕获360°HDR球形图像并采用一个360,000 point per second激光扫描+-4 millimetre accuracy at 10 metres with an overall 0.6 to 60 metre range。It's only minutes before the spherical image and laser scan are complete and available to view on the digital surveyor propriety app, before being uploaded to the cloud.“直观的可用性和高度准确的数据传递对我们来说确实是改变游戏的,”says James Hennessey, Pupil head of computer vision.“We capture everything within a property with a level of accuracy that ensures trust and confidence in our digital assets.”


瞳孔designed and now deploys its own software that seamlessly combines with Leica Geosystems’ 3D imaging laser scanner.“我们当前的捕获和数据管道已与BLK360集成,使我们能够比以往任何时候都产生更好的数据和更快的图像。”轩尼诗补充。“对于我们服务的工业规模和数字测量师日的移动性质,轻量级的BLK360确实重新定义了我们规格和Stak捕获和服务的速度和质量。”

The future

瞳孔believes laser scanning and technology, such as the BLK360, is not only going to redefine the future of the built environment and the way properties are valued and transacted, but also deliver data that powers countless other applications in and around interior space. Devices, such as those created byLeica Geosystems, are helping to make this a reality for the real estate industry and are also disrupting and leading other industries in the right direction toward more accurate data.

“ Leica Geosystems准确且易于使用的激光扫描设备目前允许我们为客户提供更可靠和准确的物业测量。将来,使用这些高质量的数据和人工智能也将使我们能够为它们提供一系列新产品和经验,”亚搏彩票手机版下载轩尼诗说。现在,比以往任何时候都更重要的是,与客户建立信任是像学生这样的企业stay one step ahead in a rapidly changing market and technology landscape

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