Changing the game for public safety professionals with the world’s fastest laser scanner


Author:Reka Vasszi


Up to 2 million of points per second – that is how fast theLeica RTC360 3D laser scannercaptures any scene. The high-performance 3D laser scanner automatically pre-registers captured scan data in real time and in less than two minutes.


From CSI Effect to real solutions

Forensic science has been exaggeratedly portrayed on crime television shows and movies, highly influencing the public perception of advanced technologies used by public safety authorities. The emergence of the RTC360, developed by Leica Geosystems, brings this CSI Effect closer to reality.

以前,处理3D犯罪现场和碰撞场所数据需要一定水平的专业知识,以创建侦探和律师可以用作法庭上的证据的输出。现在,有了RTC360 3D真人秀解决方案,犯罪亚博ag真人规律现场可以在不到两分钟的时间内捕获,并预先注册在现场,并与莱卡(Leica)迅速在办公室进行了后处理。Cyclone REGISTER 360software.

The captured scan data is pre-registered in the field and displayed in real-time throughCyclone FIELD 360移动设备应用程序,允许用户快速对扫描进行现场质量控制检查。此外,RTC360可以完成双扫描,自动消除通常通过场景中的人员和车辆产生的噪音。

RTC360 3D现实捕获解亚博ag真人规律决方案与Cyclone登记册360 Office软件授权公共安全机构在3D中记录和增强数据。得益于这个完整的解决方案,调查人员可以随时访问,即使在未来的几年中,详尽的虚拟犯罪场景,提高了计划和情境意识。


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