Beyond the visible


莉卡·阿格斯(Leica Argos)

作者:莫妮卡·米勒·罗杰斯(Monica Miller Rodgers)

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could measure within a photo? Just take the photo on a device, touch the photo between point A and point B, and acquire the exact measurement you need?

The thought of this ideal situation was the starting point for the BLK3D development team. The result is the latest BLK innovation: a handheld device allowing for in-picture measurements. Now capturing multiple accurate measurements at once really is as simple as taking a photo on your smartphone.

The记者与业务总监约翰内斯·霍茨(Johannes Hotz)坐下来,以了解有关新BLK3D的更多信息。


当我们最初分析了market, reviewed competitive product offerings and conducted several interviews with existing and potential customers, we quickly realised that there is a huge demand for a tool that captures visual information, and provides inspection grade-3D measurements that are automatically indexed to structural plans as well as location and date stamped.

There are several, image-based collaboration platforms out there. They take millions of photos to document construction site progress, however, not a single of those pictures allows you to determine the exact position of a pipe that now, for example, may be hidden by natural construction site progress.

BLK3D满足了上述所有上述需求。它是由摄影测量和创新边缘计算提供支持的手持,基于Android的3D,图表测量系统和项目组织者。它为测量和文档相关设备创建了一个全新的市场类别。它使需要测量的专业人员可以执行日常任务,以毫不费力地捕获和管理数字数据。另外,它在室内和室外都可以工作。这确保了许多不同行业的许多用例的支持 - 从建筑,工程,建筑(AEC)市场,取证到支持保险公司和损失调节器。


BLK 360

We wanted to establish a cross-functional, multi-cultural team of specialists around the world to achieve something great. We wanted to use the great technologies we have available within Hexagon and create a product that - at this point in time -simply didn’t exist. The entire development team had one major target - bring a vision to life, develop exclusive technologies and make those available to the widest variety of people who never thought this would even be possible – the BLK approach. We used existing technologies, re-invented them in terms of how we use them, miniaturised the system, and made it for real time.

How does the BLK3D work?

BLK 360

If you can take a photo with your smartphone, then already have all skills you need to use the BLK3D. Simplicity was the most important design principle throughout the entire project.

To be more precise, the BLK3D uses on-device edge processing to make multiple, 3D image measurements available on the device in real time. Users only have to take the photo, and then they can create 3D measurements in a 2D photo.





BLK 360

Keeping in line with the values of the BLK line of simplicity, seamless integration, design orientation and highest quality standards, we designed the BLK3D so it provides quick and precise measurements in the most simplistic way possible.

The capturing, visualising and indexing of the 3D measurement information with on-device edge processing allows for instant interaction. Especially beneficial to those in structural work in the different mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) stages, along with architectural, facility management, window fitting, insurance adjusting, public safety and utility professions, the BLK3D reduces time and resources required to measure and document a job accurately.


BLK 360


BLK3D将传感器和软件组合在一个手持设备中。所有捕获的数据均在设备本身上处理,并立即准备好测量信息进行用户交互,从而大大减少了传统方法的时间。无需连接到网络或云即可访问基于图像的测量结果,并且将图像纳入了不同的构造阶段,从而自动创建了时间顺序的项目进度历史记录。接下来,有熟悉和简单性。BLK3D的用户体验基于熟悉的刷牙手势和直接的自我解释应用功能。不需要额外的培训来使用已经熟悉的设备。然后有精确的结果。BLK3D提供了很高的精度,可确保您拥有正确的信息而无需返工。最后,还有最重要的安全。从单个图像和远程图像中,用户可以访问所需的所有信息 - 高度,宽度,深度和区域。 No longer needing to access hazardous spaces, crews are kept safer on site.




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