Driving productivity with smart drilling at Hinkley Point C

Case study

Author:Mike James

对做事更好的信念继续推动Hinkley Point C(HPC)的创新,这是新一代的欧洲加压反应堆(EPR)核电站中的第一家。这种愿景不仅仅是一个抛出的声明,而且还回响了欧洲最大的建筑工地之一的每个角落,并且根深蒂固地构成了人民。

To obtain core samples and establish a safe foundation prior to construction of this mega project,geotechnical drilling需要。配备Leica Geosystems Solutions,HPC适应的尖端岩土钻——首次在英国这个methodological operation phase was led by Julian North, former senior geotechnical engineer at Kier BAM Joint Venture.

Introducing machine control to geotechnical drilling

在施工开始准备和分析现场之前,进行岩土技术钻孔,确定土壤稳定性和地点的地质。复杂的重型建筑作品,例如geotechnical drilling, can greatly benefit from machine control,,,,whichdisplaysand立场工具根据参考,允许操作员在目标等级之间定位铲斗或刀片。

从早期地面工作调查和仪器钻探到主地面安装,监督了HPC的岩土技术钻探操作后,诺斯了解通过机器控制的数字化操作的好处,,,,“We looked at potential risks and how we can make traditional approaches of geotechnical drilling better for everyone – machine control fit this belief.”

What North found was that positional control is vital to geotechnical drilling andhaving quick access to certain information in the field is crucial“One big advantage is thatwe do not need to do a topographical survey。我们可以使用挖掘模型进入一个我们可能无法挖掘的领域,”explained North.机器控制节省了大量工程蒂姆e and ensures far better optimisation of equipment.”

北也强调了超出机器优化的好处,,,,Health and safetyhave a huge payback. Capitalising onremote-control systemslimits exposure to noise, dust and hazards of large equipment.”

Stitch drilling to increase productivity

针迹钻孔是drilling a series of holes彼此接近(通常200 to 250 millimetres), creating a line of weakness. Making it easier for an excavator to exploit any discontinuity and tear out the intact rock. This techniqueresults in faster and cleaner excavation,,,,minimising disturbance of the remaining rock mass.

配备Leica iCON iRD3solution in two drilling rigs, operators completed more than40,000线性仪表针迹钻孔。诺斯解释了这种方法的好处,“As the rock naturally weakens, you can use smaller excavators, useful for deeper parts of the excavation where space for a larger plant is limited.透明

由于针迹钻孔通常包括大量浅孔的钻孔,因此在单个孔上设置钻桅的时间的任何下降都有一个significant implication in reducing the overall time taken to complete a specified area。利卡地理系统的使用machine control enabled the setup of the drill桅杆在正确的方向和位置上,不仅可以节省大量节省,而且还可以减少劳动力和工程资源。

North witnessed how好吧,机器运营商采用了Leica Geosystems技术“As soon as they used it for a couple of days, it was ‘I can’t go back. I can’t do this any other way’,”向北增加。“这机器操作员发现屏幕非常适合他们设置钻头桅杆。工程师之所以喜欢它,是因为他们不必一直在泥泞的地点出去,我们可以只钻一条线,而不必担心失去有限的位置。”

Digging deeper: excavation

The use of机器控制允许操作员在较少的停机时间内更有效地进行较少的钻孔钻机不等待挖掘或标记的位置。该效率释放了钻机,以更快地完成其他钻井活动,并减少监督。

深度发掘的复杂组成部分由100 different construction platforms,,,,numerous galleries, shafts and sumps. Vertical rock faces ranged in height from less than1 m to 38 m,因此必须设计边界以允许海拔差异。

“All faces are treated with site-produced steel fibre reinforced sprayed concretewithin 48 hours of excavationto provide protection from weathering,”explained North.“然后,安装了磨钉(金属棒),以为将由起重机施加的附加费负荷提供全球坡度稳定性。”


At HPC, digital construction, encompassing建筑工地的3D建模and可视化端到端施工项目工作流程is instrumental.“Every operation at Hinkley Point C is examined, to make it better in terms of safety, quality and productivity,”explained North.

For this construction stage, positioning the drilling rigs to drill mast at thecorrect orientation and position using machine control带来significant time and resource savingswhile reducing exposure to dust, noise and equipment hazards.

According to North,machine control drives productivity by transforming practices through the whole project cycle,,,,such as taking away ground nails, like railway cuttings, in slopes.“你有一个虚拟站点布局held in the machine control system. There are alsohuge benefits with the control of instrumentation holes for site investigation。There is ahuge opportunity where machine control can be used。透明

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