Cooperation between Nordby Maskin and Leica Geosystems: win-win for all


Leica Geosystems为Nordby Maskin提供了总解决方案


挪威明尼苏达州的一个居民区的一个建设项目涉及建造三公里的水和吸收沟,90,000吨的土方和13,000平方米的沥青铺路。去年秋天,当他们订购了22台机器的硬件和软件的全面升级时,合作变得越来越近。诺德比·马斯金(Nordby Maskin)不后悔的决定!

- 多年来的密切合作使我们对我们作为我们的供应商建立了巨大的信心。他们在服务和支持方面的运作方式给我们留下了重要的客户的印象。这是我们在建筑项目上快速有效地进行工作至关重要的密切合作。鲁本·瓦图姆(Ruben Wattum), project engineer in Nordby Maskin AS.


- We have chosen Leica Geosystems as the total supplier, because they can deliver solutions for all machines, both backhoes, stakeout equipment for survey engineers, total stations, soil compactors, dozers etc.

-软件平台Leica MC1适用于所有机器。Wattum说,我不知道其他有如此广泛的产品的供应商,在这样的项目中值得很多。亚搏彩票手机版下载

Input to R&D

The satisfaction goes both ways. Key Account ManagerKim-Alexander Bakkenexplains that feedback from a customer like Nordby Maskin makes our products better.

——我们re the total supplier of machine control products to Nordby Maskin, and we cooperate about the software development. They are some of the first customers in the world to test new software on their construction machines. That means that we receive quick feedback on what is working and what needs to be improved. Trust and a good dialogue benefit both parties, and helps them to get more productivity out or their machines, says Bakken.

来自运送到Nordby Maskin的Leica Geosystems的连接解决方​​案

– I don't know other companies with this kind of depth in ther product portfolio, says Ruben Wattum, project engineer, Nordby Maskin AS.


Leica Geosystems是机器控制解决方案的大型供应商,但这并不意味着它们在需要时很难与之接触,或者您必须经过一个大型且非个人化的客户服务中心。

- 我们希望在客户需要我们的情况下为他们在本地出席。我们的目标是在服务和支持方面为客户提供最佳解决方案。是的,我们是一家全球公司,但我们还是一家稳固的公司,在挪威的多个地点和路上的服务工程师的当地服务讲习班。我们在挪威各地都有服务工程师,Bakken在任何时候都可以使用大型支持团队来提供电话支持。

每个人当然可以声称这一点,但是有帮助卡尔·马丁·诺德比(Karl Martin Nordby)Nordby Maskin的所有者和业务开发人员验证了陈述。

- We have chosen Leica Geosystems because of the scale of the organisation and the competences that their employees have. The scale of their product portfolio and the fact that they offer machine control for all the machines that we need. We only have to deal with one supplier and that saves us time in administration and support. That counts a lot for us, explains Nordby from the headquarter in Nannestad.


- 同时,由于我们是Nordby Maskin的全部解决方案供应商,我们还合作了该软件的开发。关键客户经理PåLeicaGeosystems Kim-Alexander Bakken说,他们是世界上最早测试其施工机上新软件的客户之一。


回到明尼苏达州的北风北风,该地点到处都是该项目的活动,该项目计划于今年秋天完成。制作了遗嘱,并进行了许多挖掘和地球。Ruben Wattum解释说,如果没有良好的计划和互联解决方案的帮助,就无法如此有效地完成该项目。

- 这实际上是一个完美的项目,以证明良好的机器控制解决方案的优势。我们首先是在数字平台上构建整个项目,以便所有道路和吸收trench都可以使用Trench型号。他说,它使构建速度更快,因为原则上的机器操作员可以直接构建所有内容。


- 当然,我们可以在没有机器控制的情况下完成此操作,但效率要差得多。通过Leica Geosystems提供的解决方案,并且在适当的培训中,它成为一个简单的选择。

- We spend less time on a project like this with water supply and water absorption, and the customer saves costs. We exert less impact on the environment, because we spend less time on the project, he continues.

One thing that remains from a day in the trenches in Minnesund is that Nordby Maskin has not ordered their last products from Leica Geosystems.


  • 诺德比·马斯金(Nordby Maskin)2D机器控制挖掘机since 2004 (delivered by Scanlaser/Mikrofyn now Leica Geosystems)
  • 3D机器控制自2006年以来使用GNSS
  • Models for on-site are mainly prepared by own engineers and architects in the office and continuously distributed throughCONX.
  • More than 80 active projects from early design phase to delivery of final as-built documentation. Thanks to machine control this can be done by only four survey engineers on site.
  • All projects include 3D/BIM models for production and documentation.
  • Nordby Maskin拥有200多名员工。



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