Working indoor with machine control guided by two total stations from Leica Geosystems

Case Study

Working with two total stations and machine control in Bålsta

Author & Photographer: Arne Forsell

感人的…very impressive…!

This is the first word that enters your mind when you see the enormous building emerging from behind the forest. The Swedish wholesale company Dagab’s new logistic centre for groceries in the city of Bålsta 50 kilometers northwest of Stockholm, will become one of North Europe’s largest buildings. With a length of 575 m and a floor area of 100,000 m2, which is the equivalent of 15 football stadiums and a ceiling height of 15 meters, storage rooms with different temperature zones, the building is constructed with a strong focus environment.



The construction companyKanonadenis responsible for the earthmoving works – a project that involves ground stabilisation and piling. Kanonaden has gathered a well-oiled clockwork of subcontractors to ensure smooth and timely execution of the workflow. Two of these indispensable, sharp, and distinct gears of the clockwork are Dennis Larsson and Simon Sundkvist. Dennis drives a skid steer machine and levels the final layer in a forest of pegs on one side of one of the storage rooms. 33-year old Dennis works as the third generation in the family-owned Sanna Gräv AB. His green-yellow safety vest and his black T-shirt reveal that he works for Sanna Gräv – if anybody should ever doubt that!


Using skid steer for fine grading


This hybrid of a machine that some people would call strange and find difficult to describe is maneuvered safely by Dennis in the narrow spaces between the concrete foundations. The blade underneath the machine drags the filling material that is transformed into the final layer used for the foundation for the subsequent floor and deposits it with unfailing precision. Dennis demonstrates that behind the joysticks inside the machine, he is a true artist.

Dennis is assisted by his machine control solution from Leica Geosystems.

- We have machine control from Leica Geosystems on all of our machines, says Dennis.
- We only want to work with the best, so we use the MC1 software on the MCP80 panel. Our customers and we are very satisfied with it, and I wouldn’t want any other system!

The work under the massive roof and between the obstructing piles has created new challenges for Dennis and the handling of his machine.

- 当我在屋顶下工作时,使用双TPS是有利的,因为表面具有许多不同的高度,因此必须确切知道高度差异是什么。多亏了两个ICR80总站,我永远不必考虑移动机器亚博5分钟快三,因为它们一直在跟踪机器。与仅使用一个TPS和跨斜率函数相比,这有很大的不同。由于所有阻止事物,我都无法一直使用总站。他说,然后我改用激光溶液。

Dennis switches easily from dual TPS to a dual laser solution
Dennis switches easily from dual TPS to a dual laser solution

- But it doesn’t matter. The result is almost the same as long as the height is constant. I drive with a margin of 5mm, up or down, without any problems. I can do everything myself! I place the total stations and do the job myself! The total stations give me a sense of security, when I work. As long as the model is correct, the job will be performed correctly.

Dennis Larsson claims that he sometimes finds it hard to learn new technology, but he immediately realises:

- 我已经学会了使用GPS,当您看到高度时,工作变得更加有趣。可能是年轻人在机器上一直使用GPS的年轻人没有像我一样的快乐,但是我从事这项业务已经很长时间了……学习MC1绝对不是问题!

Machine control is used for high precision excavation

在另一个巨大的仓库的一部分,西蒙Sundkvist works in his Volvo EW160E signed Granlunds Grävmaskiner. The company started in 2001 when Andreas Granlund bought an excavator for his one-person company and stating that “the rest is history” is a bit of a cliché, but also true underlined by the fact that the company today has 45 employees and machines for construction work, earthmoving, and transportation.

西蒙·桑德克维斯特(Simon Sundkvist)最初是一名卡车司机,但他的叔叔一直担任挖掘机操作员已有50年的时间,并启发了他8年前转变职业生涯。

——我花了GNSS徕卡提供的混沌之间and thought that machine control was cool and interesting, and that was that he says and laughs through the beard. I have continued with it, adjusted it a little, and learned more and more, and the Leica systems are easy to use.

The almost cathedral-like environment that Simon and his excavator work in with the smooth, bright concrete walls that lead the gaze upwards towards the ceiling creates almost total radio shadow. In his work with floor area Simon is guided by the two total stations that catch the prisms on his machine with unfailing accuracy and help him place the bucket with the exact tilt and correct height.

On one of the short sides of the area that he is working on, he has dug several holes to give room for future installations in the room. Beautiful, sharp-cut edges, holes with millimeter tolerances, and razor-sharp angles are a silent testimony about the accuracy of the machine control solution – when it is performed by a competent machine operator.

High precision excavating with MC1


- I start every day by positioning the two iCR80 total stations. I did it very thoroughly in the beginning, but that didn’t work. It was too accurate for the machine control solution. Vibrations and even the air pressure level in the machine’s tires were enough to influence the machine control, and it didn’t function. Now, I only use two decimals, and it works a lot better.

Simon thinks that it saves a lot of time because he now works independently.

- It is a question of hours, he says. And it is nice to work autonomously as well.

He has only praise when it comes to describing his relations with Leica Geosystems.

- 如果我需要一些东西,我在莱卡(Leica)有一个直接的电话号码。它真的很好!

调查经理Jerker Wretman完全信任机器控制解决方案的准确性

Jerker Wretman在KanonadenMälardalen公司担任测量经理,该部门是从母公司Kanonaden接管该项目的部门。自2017年以来,他一直在公司工作,并且是80名员工之一。Jerker说,Dagab物流中心是该公司迄今为止一直从事的最大项目。尽管如此,尽管该项目的规模和特定的挑战与网站上的高度差异和非常紧迫的截止日期,但他仍然感到安全。

测量经理Jerker Wretman
测量经理Jerker Wretman

- 从Leica Geosystems拥有机器控制解决方案对我们来说非常有价值。我完全相信它,而我们不需要呼吁调查工程师的事实使该过程更快,更有效。无论使用总站或激光器,结果都是高度准确的。亚博5分钟快三


It is an impressive location, and machine control from Leica Geosystems has played an essential role in its construction!


Get in contact with us for more information about our machine control solutions.